Saturday 11 July 2009

And back to Chanel we go......?

I used to buy loads of Chanel makeup, I think this was in part due to having a very friendly and helpful SA, it makes a difference, the whole experience was an extremely positive one, however she left last year and was replaced with someone who was indifferent with a lack of any knowledge of the brand and not very nice, the result, I barely looked at the counter anymore and instead went onto other brands. Its amazing the impact good customer service makes, I find I buy more from Fresh and Illamasqua at the moment as they are always a pleasure to deal with whereas I dramatically reduced what I bought from Armani due to bad service and have been put off Sisley before even buying that much due to a rude SA.
That said I haven't gone completely cold turkey, I can't argue that Chanel make some really good easy to wear timeless items, and this year I did pick up two lipsticks from the spring collection ( from another Chanel counter !) and having looked online at their fall collection I can see it may well be a hit for me.
These are the two spring lipsticks I picked up Panarea (top), a slightly shimmery sheer/medium brown with a slight berry tone and Ischia (bottom), shimmery pinky mauve

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