Saturday 18 July 2009

Illamasqua bits and bobs

Here are pictures of a few more Illamasqua items I picked up. I got two of the medium pencils as I think it was Pixiwoo who raved about them on youtube, Gossmakeupartist recommended Hex for the lower lash line to brighten the area(in place of your typical white which is more commonly used) so easily influenced that I am I ordered Hex and Odd.
Hex is a very slightly warm beige and does indeed brighten and open up the eye area when used on the lower waterline, however as I am very pale I do think this colour would look more natural on those slightly darker than me.I can also use this colour as a lip liner if I am doing a nude lip look. Odd is a cool toned medium almost forest green, unfortunately its texture is nothing like Hex and whilst it lasts very well it does not apply smoothly which I think you can see in the swatch I have done, I think I will order another of the ones more used for the eye area to see if the texture of these are indeed different to the ones more aimed at both/just lips like Hex and will report back as Hex applies so smoothly, pigmentated, no tugging and lasts really well so I'm hoping my odd pencil was just a dud.
I also got a cream blusher in Lies, this is a highlighter shade IMO, and applies as a cool pink shimmery sheen, I use it as I use my Armani fluid sheer 7. Lies looks great if you apply it on the cheeks first and then layer your normal blush over it, gives a really radiant flush to the skin which lasts right through the day which surprised me as texture wise it has a lot of slip to it. I will also say that ingredients wise these seem OK for those acne prone, I'm extremely acne prone so cream blushers are usually a problem for me so I will definitely pick up another shade.

Lastly I just posted a swatch of my furore pigment as I had previously only posted a pic of the product which isn't very helpful (its a very shimmery peach champagne) I have a lot less fallout with this compared to MAC pigments and this lasts better as well.


  1. I am in love with illamasqua also and your swatches are great!



  2. Thanks, I think Illamasqua is fast becoming my favourite brand, can't wait to see what they put out for their fall collection

  3. Hi Replica

    I wavered between Hex and Vow, and went for Vow, which is a lighter creamier shade. I think Vow is a little better for a paler skin.

    I have Debonair (teal) and Sophie (black) pencils too, and these are creamy and easy to apply. It sounds like your Odd may be a dud - I'd send Illamasqua an email about it.


  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks for your comment, if yours are good it does seem like my odd isn't as it should be, I'll email Illamasqua, think I might get Devotion next and may get Debonair as well if thats a teal, love that for eyeliner shades,great way to add a pop of vivid colour without being too ott.
