Wednesday 29 July 2009

Rouge Bunny Rouge, second haul

The more I use it the more I like it, so far I have only bought lipsticks and eye shadows but I am very impressed. This is fast becoming one of my favourite high end brands. The lipsticks are creamy without being heavy, have good pigmentation and last quite well and the eye shadows are long lasting and very easy to blend.
The descriptions given on the RBR website are pretty good, I would only say that prey of lust has a bit of peach to it (its a really pretty mix of peach/pink/beige) otherwise I would say these items match their descriptions.
I ordered from and although I didn't get a confirmation email again, delivery was quick and they included a promo they are currently doing and samples with the order.


  1. Delicate Hummingbird is so pretty - adding this to my list! I'm v impressed with the textures of everything I've tried in this line. Many brands do good colours, but can't nail the textures.

  2. Hi Grace,

    Yes, thought you'd like that one :) At the moment I've only worn it as a crease colour as its quite pigmented.
    I've been pleased with everything I've ordered so far, looks like Zuneta may have added a few more items, don't recall the mascara being on there before ?
    Thanks for your comment x
