Tuesday 18 August 2009

Sisley lipstick review

I have finally got round to swatching my Sisley lipsticks. First up we have Rouge à Lèvres Hydratant Longue Tenue in shade L14. I thought this was a neutral pinky brown in the store, but applied it has a very strong mauve tone to it and is really not flattering on me. The formula is creamy but slightly dry. Pigmentation is good and it does last well but it feels quite heavy on, its also highly scented.
Next up I got a Phyto-Lip Shine in shade sheer burgundy 6. In the tube this looks like a dark berry red, once applied it appears rather bright yet it quickly fades into a medium berry red. It feels quite moisturising and does not have a lot of slip to it which a lot of other brands sheer lipsticks do. Lastabilty isn’t really good although it does leave behind a slight stain, but that’s due to the colour rather than formula I think. Sisley claim that “Dry lips are soothed and repaired” To be honest I haven’t noticed any more improvement than I would from any moisturising balm like lip product. This one has a scent as well but its not as strong.
For the price (I think around £22-£26 each) I don’t think these are worth it and you are not getting anything better than you would from other high-end brands like Armani, Chanel, Chantecaille and Rouge Bunny Rouge. I do like the Sisley eyeshadows I have but I didn’t have good experiences at their counter, and given that there are so many great brands out there I’m inclined to take my money elsewhere.
Swatches are sheer burgundy left and L14 on the right.


  1. I totally agree with you - nice, but much better products out there for similar/less expensive prices. I do like their phyto-star eyeliner though (I think my one is khaki or bronze? Does not have the name on it, which is annoying.)

    I find they *really* try and push the skincare if you look at the cosmetics at the counter too, and that also annoys me.

    I tagged you on my blog, by the way :)

  2. Glad its not just me then, thanks for your comment and the tag :) x

  3. I really like Sisley make up because of the incorporated skincare aspect....and like Grace love the khaki eyeliner...its one of my absolute favourites.

  4. Hello bristishbeautyblogger,

    well maybe if there is another SA at the counter I'll check out the khaki eyeliner :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment
