Friday 4 September 2009

Closer look at Illamasqua nail varnishes

I've mentioned before that I really like Illamasqua nail varnishes,what you see in the bottle is what you get on your nails, they don't chip as much as other polishes do on me ( I'm looking at you Chanel !) and they dry quite fast.I think the only negative is that they contain formaldehyde.

Boosh is a deep black, Baptist is a rich shimmery true purple,Loella is a bubblegum pink with a bit of fuchsia/lavender shimmer, Obtuse is a shimmery,almost metallic goldy bronze nude, Lament is a hot coral.

I've taken swatches in natural light and with a flash to hopefully capture the colour.


  1. I really want Lament but I can't justify buying a polish that's so expensive.
    I think Barry M Pink flamingo is very close to it too.

  2. Hi Pinksparkle84, thanks for your comment. I've never tried Barry M polish before, is the texture/wear good ?
