Sunday 20 September 2009

Quick look at Illamasqua Matter and Synth

I thought I'd just do a quick look of Matter and Synth. Matter applied sheerly on the outer and Synth applied on the inner. I have not packed the colours on so it will hopefully show what you will get with just a few strokes. As you can see Synth is sheer used on its own, so if you do like the colour it would be best applied over a cream base.


  1. This is a lovely look - I'm loving this collection - I ADORE the sheer lipgloss too xxx

  2. Love the look! The eyeshadows are gorgeous! x

  3. I do like Matter. Synth is sheer, but v pretty.

  4. Hi Mizzworthy,
    I was really tempted by the sheer gloss, I expect I may well pick it up ;) Thanks for your comment

    Hello tackyblueeyeshadow,
    Thanks for your kind comment. I do really like the shades,especially nice for autumn.

    Hi Grace London,
    Thanks for visiting and your comment. I think I'll try Synth as an all over wash at some point, should work quite nicely.

  5. Those eyeshadows look very pretty! Love the look!

    Check out my blog too if you want! :)

  6. Hello Kittynail,

    Thanks for your comment, will check your blog out :)
