Monday 21 September 2009

Rouge Bunny Rouge lipsticks

As per a request here is a picture of all my RBR lipsticks. I've done swatches as well, with flash and without, the swatches aren't the best so I will update them when there is better light.
Lipsticks back row L-R:Watch out Eve,Irreverence,Nothing Unknown, Middle row L-R Prey of Lust, Tongue Tickles,Word of Mouth, and in front is Know what lies are for.The swatches follow the same order (Watch out Eve on far left through to Know what lies are for on far right)


  1. Oh thank you! Irreverence is definitely the kind of colour I was looking for. x

  2. Hello Grace,

    Glad to help entice :)

  3. OH MY GOD! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! I just placed an order.shit.. if i had seen this id have ordered some other stuff too!!! Great post!!

  4. Thanks Tali,
    I just placed another order after I saw your latest blog post as I had to get that gloss !
    Thanks for visiting.

  5. Hmmm... it would appear that I need Tongue tickles...and watch out eve... and irreverance... oh GAWD!!!!

  6. Hello Mizzworthy,
    They do such great neutral easy to wear shades its hard to not end up with a load of them ! Thanks for visiting x
