Tuesday 1 September 2009

Tag-I think You're An Awsome Girl

I was tagged by two lovely ladies, Shifa at http://getgawjus.blogspot.com/ and My Humble Reviews (http://myhumblereviews.blogspot.com/) to list 10 random facts about myself and tag 10 others.

1. I have a 14 month old little boy
2. I have not been on holiday for over 8 years
3. I hate Jam
4. I have too much makeup ;)
5. I keep buying similar shades (how many taupe eyeshadows and pinky brown lipsticks are needed, really…)
6. I hate having birds fly near me
7. one of my most rated films is pan's labyrinth
8. I get hayfever
9. I’ve not been swimming for over 10 years (wonder if you forget )
10. I can only put together (take photos etc) for my blog posts when my little one is asleep as I no longer posses free time.

I tag 10 other great blogs

2.Lipstick Fever
4.Dazzle 'n' Sparkle
5.Rupa's Makeup Diary
6.So I want to be an alternative model........
7.Robert Smith's Mistress Makeup Wonderland
8.too much blush
9.Mizz Worthy's Stuff
10.Whitz World of Makeup & Beauty


  1. That is such a cute age - I adore toddlers. Hard work though!

    I dread to think how many taupes and pinky/browns we have between us.

    Thank you for the tag.x

  2. Thank you for replying on tag :)
    Say hi to your boy from me.
    And don't worry,you haven't forgot swimming :) They say once you learn to swim,that's for good :)


  3. Good morning - I just had to stop by and leave you a note because you have the most wonderfully fabulous blog. I've loved reading your interesting posts, all very creative and great pictures too. What could be more perfect ? Thanks for sharing them all and best wishes...

  4. Hello thanks for following :)
    i comepletely ADORE your blog!!!i love to see products and swatches!!! (i do lots of makeup online shopping where swatches are usually not great) so thank you very much!!!!!!! keep em coming!! :) 'm definitely following you :)
    p.s. I hate Jam too!! (pheww!! i thought i was abnormal)

  5. Hello Grace,
    Well he gives me all the exercise I need thats for sure x

    Hello My humble reviews, thanks for the tag in the first place :)

    Hello Elise, thanks so much for your comment, really glad that you like my blog.

    Hello Freckletone, good a fellow jam hater :)thanks for your comment, I set up this blog in the first place as I couldn't find pictures of Illamasqua stuff back then so hoped it would help others make choices.

  6. Thanks so much for the tag - I hate birds too, and my mum insists on having various budgies andlove birds as pets - they have to make sure they are caged when I go there - I can't bear them. You can see the evil in their eyes...

  7. Hi Mizzworthy,
    Glad its not just me with the bird fear then :)
