Wednesday 4 November 2009

Bobbi Brown Earth Metal palette

When a Bobbi Brown counter first opened up by me I went and had a massive splurge having previously not tried the brand. Buying a lot of items at the same time of something you have never tried is not the cleverest idea and the majority of the items were duds for me. Nowadays I do buy things here and there from them but due to two of my worse counter experience I tend to buy the items online instead. The palette has been doing the rounds all over the blogs but Christina at Lipstick fever did a really nice Eye look that tipped me over the edge. As this has been so heavily covered I won’t go into a full review but just to say that although I still find BB shadows textures a bit chalky/gritty these shades unlike others I have tried do stay true to colour and blend better. Overall it has quite a warm, almost dirtied golds and green’s look to it with two cooler toned shades to even it out a bit. Her creamy lipstick formula is very heavy and although easy to wear shades you’ll not get a lot of pigment from these. Not a must have but a nice addition.


  1. thanks for the info - great post

  2. Mmm, I haven't got anything by BB apart from a shimmer brick, but I was considering adding something to my shopping list for my impending trip to the UK, so this sounds like a good suggestion. The new mini shimmer bricks looked interesting too...have you seen those in person? Thanks! xx

  3. Thanks Elise for your comment x

    Hi Anna,
    I've not seen the mini ones in person but as soon as I found out that they cost £42 each rather than all three, I lost interest, that just seems to much extra to pay for the packaging alone compared to the normal sized ones which I think cost about £27. Regarding your trip, will cosmetics work out cheaper for you here in the UK ?

  4. Eeek! You're joking! That much just for one?? Ok, won't be getting one of those then! Right now it's quite convenient for me to buy make-up in the UK (even Giorgio Armani lippies cost less there than they do here!!!), but it's not just that: you have many more brands that we don't have in Italy and of course the neighbour's grass is always greener, so I always get tempted to but stuff that I can't find here! That includes Bobbi Brown, Laura Mercier, Suqqu, RMK, Nars, Illamasqua, Barry M...the list is endless!! Suggestions on stuff to buy will be very much appreciated! xx

  5. Hi Anna,
    Yes "Eeek" indeed, way overpriced. Well you must get some Illamasqua eyeshadows,nail varnish and I think their blush and powder brush are really good, I myself really want to try Suqqu and I keep thinking I must try one of those Barry M dazzle dusts !
