Wednesday 18 November 2009

Illamasqua and Chanel EOTD

Simple look of Illamasqua Hunger as a base with Synth and Matter and the deep green from the Chanel Celadon-Lame eyeliner. I can't seem to get the green to show up on photos that well but in real life it does look noticeably green.


  1. Lovely look, your blending skills are really great! I clicked on the image and when it's a bit bigger you can ever so slightly see the dark green liner in the left side of the picture! I wonder if I'd recognize you from your eyes perhaps shopping at Selfridges or Liberty's next week! xx

  2. I agree with anna... your blending skills are superb!!
    Great look! Love it!! xx

  3. Hi Anna,
    Yes, I'll have to try and get a better picture of that liner ! I think my blending is really bad so nice to hear your comment. I wish I could be at Selfridges/Liberty next week, although if I lived in London I am sure I'd be a lot poorer, I can't wait to hear what you end up buying x

    Hi Tali,
    Thanks so much for your kind comment, I think the Hunger base gets the best out of the shades.

    Hello Shifa,
    Thanks, I'd realised I'd not worn my Illamasqua much lately so have decided to use their eyeshadows all week. Thanks for visiting.
