Friday 27 November 2009

Rouge Bunny Rouge eyeshadow swatches

I thought it would be useful if I did a picture and swatches of all my RBR eyeshadows together. As you know I highly recommend these shadows, they have great pigmentation, blend effortlessly and have a really soft almost creamy texture. You can get them from

Please click pictures to enlarge.

L-R top row: Grey Go-away Lourie, Fire-Tailed Sunbird, Bejewelled Skylark, Blackpepper Jay, Delicate Hummingbird, Periwinkle Cardinal, C Major - a Minor.
L-R bottom row: Chestnut-napped Apalis, Vivacious Maguari, Solstice Halcyon , Gracious Arasari, Alabaster Starling,Angelic Cockatiels, A Major - fis Minor.


  1. wow lovely swatches! I'l hvta check this out =)

  2. Gorgeous collection you have there! xxx

  3. oooooooh, pretty! I need to get Blackpepper Jay.

  4. Great swatches. I love the look of Bejewelled Skylark, Blackpepper Jay and Delicate Hummingbird. x

  5. WANT. I'm over-compensating here, since I've been feeling quite deprived everytime I look at eyeliners sitting "lonely" at shop counters. I don't even dare looking at mascaras, in case my self-control dissolved to the core. LOL.

  6. Hi Shifa,
    I think RBR is a brand everyone should try if possible :) Thanks for your comment.

    Hi Mizzworthy,
    Thanks,didn't know how many I had till I put them all together :)

    Hi Grace,
    I think you do ! I'm already planning my next RBR order!

    Hi tackyblueeyeshadow,
    Thanks ! I don't think there is one shade I'm not keen on, which is a novelty for me :)

    Hi Music,
    Don't talk to me about self control, I ordered another mascara today.. I know.... ;)

  7. Your collection is amazing. This is torture not having RBR in Canada. Saving for a big haul on Zuneta.

  8. Hi Anna,
    Thanks, you can tell I'm a RBR fan :) I am really hoping this range takes off as new launches seem to be quite differcult in this competitive market. Zuneta are really nice to order from, really helpful if you have any queries.

  9. No.... too many pretty things i want.. noooooo you cant do this to me! lol.. BADDDDD Make-up guru!! Your such a bad influence!!

  10. LOL Tali, I always want more things when I see your blog as well, so we are both bad influences :) I've gone and ordered some more RBR, once you get into this brand there seems to be no going back!!!

  11. where did you get them?????????????????????????????

  12. Hello Katherine,

    I bought them from (they are a UK based company but ship worldwide) RBR is one of my favourite brands so I thoroughly recommend them :)
