Sunday 6 December 2009

Rouge Bunny Rouge suede lip crayon and loose glitter pigment

The suede lip crayon has become available on . Its priced at £22 and comes in three shades. I bought On Innocence, which is a matte cool toned pinky beige. Texture wise these go on very creamy but do dry down after initial application, the shade lasts very well and feels comfortable on. What I like about this, apart from the shade and the almost opaque coverage is that it is not dry and does not migrate into any little lines in the lip area which I found other chubby pencil lipsticks from other brands do.
I also got the new shade in the loose glitter pigments (£24), wishing for wings. This is a sheer shimmery silvery mauve. I really like these pigments, they are not messy, last well, non gritty and I don't get any fall out, I've got my eye on the peacock blue ones of these.


  1. That new pigment looks beautiful! I really need to do another RBR order.

  2. I wish RBR was in Canada!! Looks awesome.

  3. Everywhere I turned to I read about RBR. Really tempting. Especially because chubby pencils are one of my fave products, not many brands I know are doing them.

  4. They look like really nice products, wish I could buy some, I cant yet. Maybe after xmas I will be able to get some :)

  5. I've been lusting after these pigments ever since you did that EOTD with the mandarin one! The chubby pen looks nice too, though I don't usually go for lipsticks in this form (I have a couple but I always forget to use them!!) xx

  6. Hi Shifa,
    Thanks for your comment, there are really nice werable colours.

    Hello Grace,
    I get the feeling I am going to end up with all of there pigments!

    Hi Lipstick Rules,
    Hopefully they will expand soon, seems a bit hard to get at the moment which is a shame for those not in the UK. Although Zuneta have said they have lowered their international shipping, might be worth a look :)

    Hi Music,
    I am sure you will succumb at some point !

    Hi Christina,
    They are one of my favorite brands, I think you would like quite a few of their eyeshadows,great creamy texture.

    Hello Anna,
    I don't tend to go for the pencils either as they usually are a bit rubbish but I really like this one, I find if you are going to go for one though you should try one of the pigments first x
