Friday 1 January 2010

Rococo Nail Apparel

SpaceNK now stock the nail varnish brand Rococo. Its marketed as a "professional range with a high level of pigment". They seem to have some quite unique colours and I immediately decided I had to have Metal Jacket (£11.26).
Metal Jacket is a metallic cool mink brown base infused with loads of tarnished silver shimmer, once in indoor lighting the shimmer appears more gold. I really like this shade and have had a few comments on it already.
I have to mention that the brush head is rather large, its not a problem for me and means I can apply it quicker but I think for those who like to put their nail polish on perfectly, they may feel a bit of precision is lost. Two coats gives me the colour as it appears in the pot, the colour vibrancy remains throughout the wear. Whilst I don't get chipping until about 3 days, when it does begin, it chips off in quite large chunks so I think a top coat maybe the way to go to get the most out of this.
Thought I'd show you the box it comes in as well, definitely the most prettiest outer packaging I have seen for a nail varnish.


  1. That is so pretty, the base colour reminds me a bit of OPI My Private Jet. I have been trying to resist looking at these!

  2. Heh, I was about to say that about My Private Jet! It's a gorgeous colour.

    I love the Rococo polishes, I own about three now (Vayder (glittery black), Underground (dirty lavender) and Utility (opaque grey) and I love them all. Excellent staying power and great coverage.

  3. OMG so gorgeous! I just placed a SpaceNK order a couple days ago and am getting a few NPs from Rococo. Can't wait! I'm adding this one to my wishlist too now!

  4. Really like the rococo polishes - this one is a really lovely colour, like Jo says, reminiscent of OPI My Private Jet, which is one of my all time faves! xxx

  5. Hi Jobetterdays,
    My private Jet was a shade I was interested in so maybe thats why I was drawn to this one. I resisted for a while but the more posts I saw the more tempted I got :)

    Hi Get Lippie,
    Underground sounds nice, I'll have to check that one out.

    Hi Lina,
    I'll look forward to seeing what shades you got.

    Hi Mizzworthy,
    I can see this shade being rather popular,I'm sure I read somewhere they were releasing some more shades very soon so hopefully they will pop up online x

  6. This looks lovely. I agree with you about the wider brush - I think I get better coverage with it, but I can make a mess!

  7. Hi Grace,
    Glad its not only me who can be messy then. I think this is your kind of shade :)
