Saturday 20 March 2010

Chanel Rouge Coco

Chanel used to be one of my favourite brands,the lipsticks being the standouts. Over the last year, as new brands have come along, I have been less impressed with Chanel so when I heard that the Rouge Coco (£21) was launching I straight away went out and bought two lipsticks in the hope that these would give me renewed faith in the brand.
Amidst the extremely glowing reviews I have left writing mine as I felt like I was missing something, but I now have to concede that these are a bit of a let down for me. They are pigmented and have a really nice range of shades but I find the formula drying, and not comfortable. I found that with both the shades I have they migrated into the little lines of my lips after a while and made the area look dehydrated.

I got Muse (slightly copper toned pinky rose) and Perle (sheer pinky-beige). Both have a luminous finish.
Swatch: Left is Muse, Right is Perle
I’m honestly surprised that these aren’t working for me, I do wonder if its just the shades I got, let me know if you have experienced the same thing. I have not given up though, I’m going to order a RBR Shimmering Luxe Balm (from and try this under the Chanel and see if I can get them to work for me as I do really like the colours.

Just to note that as with other Chanel lipsticks these are scented.


  1. Oh, that's such a shame that they don't work for you! I find them really lovely on the lips, and not drying at all. It's odd how products affect different people, isn't it?

    I have the same problem with YSL Rouge Voluptes, on me they feel "lardy" and greasy, and just sit on my lips for a while before disappearing completely. I do NOT get the love for them, whatsoever!

  2. Have to agree, these were a bit of a disappointment for me since I don't think any of the colours worked. I liked the formula but I imagined it would be sheerer but I don't have a problem with feathering etc.

  3. I bought one the other day, but I haven't actually worn it yet, so I can't comment on dryness and/or migratory tendencies! WIll let you know what I think about it though! Can you manage to wait a few more days for the D&G swatches?? My Mum was ill this morning, so no Milan for me :((, will try to go on Tuesday though and will definitely swatch what you asked for! xx

  4. Hi Get Lippie,
    I did start to wonder if it was only me! I've ordered my RBR balm now so I'm hoping that will solve it, thanks for stopping by.

    Hi Alice,
    Sounds like we are the other way around :) Thanks for your comment.

    Hi Anna,
    I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on them. Hope your mum gets better, of course fine to wait for swatches, your doing me the favour, don't even need swatches really as I know SA's can get a bit funny about that, just to hear your thoughts on the colours is enough for me x
