Sunday 7 March 2010

Snowberry Skincare

I first read about Snowberry on
Snowberry is a new skincare brand from New Zealand. It’s a luxury, anti-aging skin care range combining nature and science (whilst a lot of the ingredients are natural substances you also get enzymes and peptides in the mix). A lot of the skincare seems to be about renewal and regeneration.
There are many things I like about the brand, they don’t seem to contain ingredients that are of no skin care benefit (such as those to make the texture fill nice) and they do not contain Lauryl Sulphates,Petrochemicals, Propylene or Butylene Glycols, Volatile alcohols, artificial colours , Silicones , DEA or MEA ingredients.
They are also carbon neutral, something I’ve not seen before.
When I emailed them about the ingredients they got back to me straightaway and were really helpful, their confidence and believe in their products only made me more eager to buy from the range.

Before I get on with my review I am going to have to mention the price, Snowberry is above my normal price range, for example the lite day cream is £110 for 50 ml. They do offer smaller sizes at a lower cost, so although it works out cheaper to buy the larger size, if you have problematic skin it might be worth buying the smaller size just in case you don’t get on with it.

My skin type is dry, with shine break through, bad pores, sensitive and hugely acne prone (yes, it doesn’t read well). Probably about 80% of skincare I have used (and I have tried a ridiculous amount of products) has not worked for me and I can only think of 2 facecare products (not including eye items) that have been a re-buy in the last 4 years.

Instant Deep Cleanser (£46 for 50 ml)
This comes in a pump packaging and dispenses with ease (you don’t get out more than your bargained for). The product is quite a bright orange and does have a smell to it (not a synthetic one), its not unpleasant but it is quite strong.
I use two pumps for my face (they say not to use it on the eyes due to all the active ingredients). The consistency is between an oil and cream.
This dissolves and removes make-up with ease and you do feel like you skin has been really deep cleansed, there is no residue left on the skin. I will say that when my skin has been really dry I have felt that I needed to put on a moisturiser afterwards, so I do think for the really cold months I’ll carry on with my Lubatti and use the Snowberry for the rest of the year.
Even given the price this is a definite re-buy for me as I have noticed an improvement in my skin, it looks clearer and the colour is better (I had a lot of redness in my skin due to past scarring from acne and microdermabrasion products).
Please click below ingredient list to enlarge:
I have some other Snowberry products that I will be reviewing in a few weeks time (I didn’t start using them all at once in case I got a reaction and I like to do skincare reviews after at least three weeks use)
I bought this from Harvey Nichols, which is the only UK stockist. At the moment Snowberry is only available in Austria, Germany, Spain, UK, Hong Kong, Ireland and New Zealand.


  1. I really like the look of that ingredient list. I'm very interested in Snowberry, but trying to use some stuff I already own up first!

  2. Thanks for the review, I've been waiting to hear your thoughts after you said you'd purchased some of the line. The cleanser was one of the things I was thinking about getting, and I think I may give it a try now. Looking forward to your other Snowberry reviews

  3. Hi Grace,
    I know what you mean, although I tend to give my mum all the skincare stuff I'm not using. I got that Sarah Chapman eyecream you recommeded btw.

    Hi Eva3,
    If you do end up buying anything from the range I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Hi Thank you for your Snowberry reviews. Just out of interest would you ever purchase their Serum? Its like £200 and really want to buy it but I don't know if I'm brave enough to pay that much. Please let me know if you have any plans to purchase any more products from the brand and write a review.

  5. Hi Ranjitt,
    Unfortunately £200 is above my limit, I'd have to try a sample first for a bit before thinking about spending that much. Of the three Snowberry products I bought I have re-bought the cleanser, I did want to try the moisturiser for dry skin but it contains an ingredients I normally avoid. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many reviews for the brand which is a shame as its a lot of money to lay down, do you live near a Harvey Nic's that stock them, as it might be worth seeing if they’d give you some samples ?

  6. Hi Replica

    Thank you for your reply.

    No Unfortunately I don't live near a Harvey Nichols store that stocks Snowberry as I live in Birmingham.

    How long does the cleanser last for? As 50mls isn't much considering most cleansers are at least 100mls in size. But I'm just so curious I may purchase the cleanser.

    I will buy one of the day cream soon so will let you know how I get on if you like.

    Best wishes


    P.S thanks for posting the ingredients lists as its so nice to know there's nothing bad in them! :)

  7. Hi Ranjitt,

    I think it was about 2 and a half months it lasted me, thats with using it every night and sometimes in the morning.
    I'd love to know if you end up buying anything from the range :)

  8. Do you know where I can purchase this brand from USA? I know this comment is coming a little late, but I just found your awesome blog and was going through all the great product recs and found this one. TIA.

  9. Hi Hikari,
    Thanks, glad you like the blog :)
    Unfortunately the brand is not stocked in the USA as far as I know, you could try contacting them perhaps at
