Sunday 30 May 2010

Shu Uemura Art of Hair Moisture Velvet Shampoo

I was pleased with the other products I had bought from the Shu Art of Hair range but found the Silk Bloom shampoo a bit heavy to use every day. This time I bought the Moisture Velvet shampoo (£22.50), which is enriched with Camelia oil. It’s wonderfully moisturising, leaving my hair really soft and not as heavy as the Silk Bloom.
I do feel that my hair in stronger and I have less breakage since using the Shu range, when I went back to the hairdressers I had two of the hairdressers and the girl washing my hair make comments on the strength of my hair, but not sure if that was genuine or that they were hoping I would buy more stuff, hard to tell sometimes!
Here are the ingredients
I bought this from a Sean Hanna salon but notice that Look fantastic have started selling the range. I'm very tempted by the Paddle brush but they had run out in the Salon, although £39 is probably a bit much to pay for a hair brush......maybe.....


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your comment, I'm not sure we can get Keratin in the UK.
