Wednesday 23 June 2010

Chanel new Ombres Contraste Duo

Chanel has recently released their new duos (Ombres Contraste Duo) here in the UK. I was never impressed with the old Irreelle ones, the pigmentation was poor and they faded with ease.
Each duo contains a light shimmery shade and a darker matte one. I bought Taupe Delicat (£29), which contains a shimmery champagne and matte neutral brown. I have similar shades but what I like about this is the champagne does not apply warm on me. The compact comes with a tiny brush and sponge brush.
The texture is quite smooth, the colours blend well and it’s easy to build them up. As long as I use a primer the shades last well. However, whilst the texture is noticeably better than the Irreelle ones, I do not think this excels other my other favourite brands.
All the colours of the duos are good basics rather than unique shades. Ultimately I think you will likely have similar colours to the majority of the duos, however I do like having a duo of a shimmery and matte shade in the same compact and they are good no brainer shades to throw on should you be in a rush in the morning, so I do think these are worth a look.


  1. You naughty naughty girl, another taupe!!!!!! Regardless, love the EOTD, I really like the way you do your eyes, it's always simple but effective and perfectly applied, I'm sure it's going to sound weird, but your eyelids really "take" make up well!! Haven't seen these yet, might be because I haven't really looked, my boy's better but I haven't really been out shopping....aaaaahhhhh! xx
    PS: no probs with antibiotics, but I did have to get the generic one which tastes of lemon/orange/apricot instead of the one suggested by the pediatrician which tastes of strawberry...he hates strawberry flavour at the moment...weird!!

  2. I think the combination looks absolutely lovely on you! I've had my eye on this duo for quite some time now (ever since a post on Cafe Makeup actually -another blog that is contributing to my ruination- lol)...not very summery, but I just can't resist a taupe.
    I'm virtually on house arrest until the 2nd of July (preparing for an exam, mature student that I am) but after that the beast shall be unleashed!!!
    Nina x

  3. Must. Resist. The. Taupe! The eye look you've done is so beautiful. I'm having a wobble though deciding whether to get the KW pans or get an Ellis Faas light so I'll to just pretend I haven't seem this ;).

    It does look very appealing though...
    Jane x

  4. I am so so tempted by this duo.

  5. Thanks Anna,I always think my eye application looks a bit poor, so glad to hear you like :)
    I do always home in on the same colours don't I!
    Glad to hear he is on the mend, funny about the strawberry flavour dislike although my one suddenly goes off certain types of foods/flavour, usually after I've bought a load of it after thinking I have found his new favourite! x

    Hello Nina,
    Thanks,well you know I'm not good saying no to a taupe either so glad I'm not alone!
    Good luck for your exam, you'll be glad to get it out of the way and will need to reward yourself for all the hard work :)x

    Hi Jane,
    Thank you, well they aren't limited edition so you could try holding off until one of those 10% off things goes on at Debenhams/John Lewis, I always manage to miss them somehow. I'm already contemplating another KW purchase...x

    Hello Grace,
    I think you would quite like the Misty one too (more mauve/burgundy) x

  6. WOW - the look you did is stunning! Great blending!

  7. Thank you :) it is a good duo for a simple everyday look.
