Wednesday 4 August 2010

Edward Bess Platinum Concealer

This comes houses in a chubby compact lipstick style tube, sleek and minimalist.
Although the consistency is smooth and creamy it’s not at all oily and does not crease or cake. It feels really lightweight on and wears extremely well, even without powder.
It terms of coverage I’d say its medium. It’s perfect for facial discolouration, but not quite heavy duty enough for my very dark circles.
I bought the lightest shade, Ivory Nude (£30). Its very pigmented and slightly yellow toned and although the colour is very blendable it is slightly too dark for me.
Swatched below: On the left its one swipe, on the right its blended in as much as possible.
Here are the ingredients:
Apart from it not being an exact colour match, I really am impressed with the texture and wear and it’s easily one of the best concealers I have ever used.
I bought this from who stock EB exclusively for those in the UK (they also ship worldwide).


  1. Ooh I like the sound of this because it doesn't contain mineral oil like most other big brand concealers...

    But on the coverage, what other concealers do you recommend that wears as well, but has more coverage? I've been looking for a new undereye concealer and haven't found anything perfect yet...

  2. Hello dear! Have you always had dark circles or is it your little boy keeping you up at night (you know, breaking favourite lipsticks and such!)?? Hope you're preparing a list of EB stuff for me, and you're right about the Becca palette, not sure when I'll get round to it! Can't to EOTDs anyway, as I left all my concealers at home and I vowed not to buy a new one till I've finished some of the ones i already have! xxx

  3. Hello Beauty Scribbler,
    Unfortunately I too am looking for the perfect full coverage concealer for my under eyes and haven't found it yet. The best thing I have found for my eye area so far is By Terry Touche Veloutee however its not enough coverage, will be sure to do a post when I found the "one" :)

    Hi Anna,
    I've had dark circles for as long as I can remeber which just get worse the older I get..yehh..
    Your gonna have a long list as I like all my EB stuff so far ;)
    You didn't take concealer with you, thats rather brave, although thinking to what pictures I have seen of bits of your face its not like you need it jealous.. x

  4. I had a little play with these at the launch and the texture is amazing. I was beguiled by the more 'exciting' make up but I am always interested in finding the "one" for my circles too. I wonder if this might too yellow for me though. I find the RMK leans a little too yellow and can look a wrong under my eyes.

  5. Haha, trust, I crop my pics so you don't see the humongous and angry pimple on my chin!!! xx

  6. Hi Jane,
    Its less yellow than the RMK one, I gave up on that one. I seem to be using about 3 different concealer at a time for my undereyes, seems to work ok but not quite there yet! x

    Hello Anna,
    Ha, I bet your one measly spot would cower compared to mine ;P I have a face full of them at the moment, and I can tell you the intense redness of them looks rather fetching against my very pale skin....x
