Sunday 12 September 2010

Trish Mcevoy Lash Enhancer Nighttime Conditioning Treatment: 2 week result

I have been diligently applying my Trish Mcevoy Lash Enhancer Nighttime Conditioning Treatment on the root of my top lash line for two weeks now. The question is does it give stronger, fuller lashes and up to 25% increase in volume in just two weeks ? I am pleased to say that I have noticed a difference, it's not dramatic but I feel like my lashes seem a bit thicker. Where I have noticed the most difference is that I don't lose any lashes when I remove my eyemakeup like I used to; it has definitely made my lashes stronger.

Right eye before:
Right eye after:
Left eye before:Left eye after:
In hind sight I should have taken pictures with my Husbands professional camera rather than my puny one, but hopefully you can see there is a tiny bit of a difference. I'd say it looks more noticeable in the flesh.
I think this is meant to last 4 months, the longer you use it, the more noticeable the result, so I'll do another update after over 2 months of use, where we will hopefully see more of a change. I am pleasantly surprised this has worked as I tend to be skeptical about these types of products. My stupid question is that once you stop using it do the effects stay, or do the lashes go back to their fragile, weaker state ?

Disclaimer: This was sent to me for free.


  1. I am a believer in these lash enhancers. Even though I have long lashes already, I do not mind them being a bit thicker and stronger. I have used the Cargo Lash Activator and the L'Oreal serum with very positive results. It's been a few months since I last used one and my lashes still seem fine. I think it's good to take a break but I am contemplating getting the L'Oreal one again to help maintain the strength.

  2. Hmmm, looks promising. Quite an expensive product though...Thanks for doing this Replica, I'll be eagerly awaiting any further progress you can report.
    I though of you the other day when I bought (from the Athens airport Duty-Free) one of the new Glossimers: Pink Teaser. It is such a gorgeous pink-fuschia colour with lovely shimmer! If you haven't already seen it maybe it's worth having a look, as I think it might suit you very nicely.
    I also got lipstick Queen Jean Queen lip gloss and Chantecaille Lip Chic in Tea Rose and I'm only mentioning these purchases as I thought they also might go very well with your colouring as they are beautiful, well balanced pinks.
    Have a great week!
    Nina (in London) x

    PS Having a look at the new Guerlain tomorrow-at long last!

  3. Looks promising. If it stops the lashes falling out when you're removing make up that's great. I'm not sure how long the effects will last after you have finished using the product. It'll depend on the active ingredient I suppose. My instinct is that it will last for a few weeks maybe a month and then the lashes will return to their normal state. I can't see how it could be permanent. *Disclaimer, this is just my thoughts without any research into the product!* ;)
    Jane x

  4. Hi Meeta,
    I think you are right about taking a break from them, this TM one can be used on the eyebrows as well so I think I might well try that as I have barely any brows!

    Hi Nina,
    Glad to have you back! bet your are loving this weather :)Pink Teaser sounds really pretty, I didn't even look at those but will check it out. I did notice those Jean Queen ones on SpaceNK and did think they looked nice. I am planning on getting Chantecaille next month as I really want that Tiger palette, I like the lip chics so may well add tea rose to my order, thanks for the rec's.
    I got my Guerlain fall this weekend, just a word on the palettes, I bought two, only used Rue de Sevres once so far but not that impressed x

    Hello Jane,
    Thanks for your thoughts, I don't really get how these things work in the first place tbh ;) actually once I finish it up, its probably worth me doing a post about a month after to see if they do go back to normal x

  5. When you stop using any product of this type--eyelash enhancer/conditioner--your eyelashes will gradually return to their normal state. Think about it in terms of hair. Let's say your hair is dry on the ends and is subject to split ends and breakage. You go on a regimen of conditioning treatments and your hair is restored to beauty. What happens if you stop conditioning? Your hair gradually goes back to the way it was as it begins getting dry and brittle on the ends again. Even a proven eyelash growth product like Latisse, which has a lot of sound science behind it, says on it's patient information sheet that
    your eyelashes will gradually return to normal if you stop using it. The good news is that you don't have to use the product every night once you have the length you want (about 14-16 weeks). A maintainence program of three times a week will do the trick.

  6. Hi Eileen,
    Thanks for the information, that makes sense, good to know that you can use it for a reduced amount once you have got the required results.

  7. I just bought the TM Lash Enhancer today (impulse buy); now I have buyer's regret. Ever since these types of products came out, I have been skeptical. I should have done more research about this enhancer before I plopped down $125 plus tax.

    Your posts give me hope. Keep posting. Thanks.

  8. Hi Yun,
    The more I use it the more I like it, I have been using it on my brows as well and have noticed they look fuller. I'd like to know how you get on with it.
