Friday 8 October 2010

Hourglass Femme Rouge Velvet Crème Lipstick

After not being wowed by new lipstick formula's being put out recently (Clarins Rouge Prodige, YSL Rouge Pur Couture, Rouge Dior) I had high hopes for the Hourglass Femme Rouge lipsticks.
These lipsticks deliver. They have great pigmentation, feel creamy and moisturising (the darker shade slightly less creamy due to the level of pigment). They apply really smooth and don't accentuate lines in your lips and they last quite well.
These made my lips feel really soft so I think these are going to really good for winter when you need that extra hydration.
I was so eager to open these that I managed to squish the ends of them when opening them so that's why the tips look a bit odd!
The lipsticks come housed in a heavy bronzed metal tube and are also refillable and paraben free. They do seem to have a very faint scent.
Of the 12 shades available, I bought Whisper (gentle pink with a bit of beige, and silver shimmer) and Nocturnal (reasonably bright wine plum), priced at £22 each.
Swatches below: Nocturnal, Whisper, and Adorn lipstick in Poetry.
Zuneta have an offer on whereby if you buy two Hourglass products you receive a free Adorn lipstick ( these are very nice, very long lasting with great pigmentation). Zu picked out Poetry for me and it is a extremely wearable beige nude with some peach to it.
I don't know when the offer finishes, but I think its a really good one.
Hourglass have some really impressive products and I definitely think they are a brand to watch out for.


  1. These look and sound very nice. I wondered what accident had be-fallen the bullets. I thought maybe your small lipstick lover had got hold of them ;).Thanks for sharing the swatches, the current gwp is really good.

    I'm having a bit of a purchasing problem at the moment. There are so many things that I want I don't quite know where to start. This is not a good situation! I need to write a genuine down on paper list and start plunging in. That flipping Chantecaille palette keeps talking to me as well....Feel free to advise! xx

  2. Like Jane, for a moment I thought your son had chewed the tips of the lipsticks after destroying your YSL!! The lipstick saga continues, eh? Luckily my boy has never taken his anger out on my make up, though he has bitten a door post or two in desperation, seriously!! I just knew you were going to get something new from Hourglass, I really like the look of Nocturnal...what's your favourite of the two/three? Have a great weekend and keep an eye on your lipsticks ;) xx

  3. My, you're quick!
    Nocturnal looks really nice and, if I'm honest, your little accident with the bullets makes them look a bit like the P&J cathead lippies lol. I'm liking Hourglass a lot and my last purchase was the cream bronzer/blush duo which I've really enjoyed using throughout the summer.
    Enjoy your weekend hon!

  4. I love the packaging on these, very sleek, although they are a bit tightly packed in the box. I was thinking of getting Nocturnal but wasn't sure how dark the shade was, but it looks good in your swatches, more brighter then I had expected. I bought Fresco, a med rose sort of shade when Zuneta had the 20% off.

  5. Hi Jane,
    I know what you mean, I seem to have a never ending makeup wish list, I'm sure I have bought more since blogging, was actually wondering about giving up the blog tbh as I have such a back log of stuff I've bought that I need to write about but just keep buying more... I think sticking to the things you want that are limited edition and then worry about the rest later x

    Hi Anna,
    well my boy hasn't yet bitten a doorpost although he did go through a phase of licking doors and doing it more when I told him to stop! I think Whisper is my favourite, they are really great and yes you do need one ;) x

    Hi Nina,
    I had been waiting for the release of them, as I was sure they would be good, also got the new mascara which I am hoping will be the "one", their line is quite small compared to lots of brands, I hope they start doing those palettes again like they use to when they first came out, really liked the look of those x

    Hello Meeta,
    I was expecting Nocturnal to be more dark that it went on, its a lovely colour, but its as bright as I dare go and I just put on a thin layer of it. I'm quite tempted to try one of the red shades next, if I feel daring :)

  6. Oh no, I feel so sad at the thought of you not blogging. I trust your judgment implicitly, you realise I would be bugging you via email if you weren't blogging? I do understand where you are coming from though. I have moments when it feels more effort than it should do.

    Excellent advice about the LE first. Does that give me enough reason to get the Tigers palette? ;)

  7. Banish the dark thoughts of not blogging girl!!!!
    Bad thoughts, bad, BAD I tell you...see I'm all upset now, and I was so looking forward to telling you and Jane all about my much-anticipated trip to the brand-spanking new Le Metier counter at Selfridges...
    Soooo, let me cheer you up: not only have they got the new Le Cirque Kaleidoscope, BUT they are also giving away a free eyeliner (Noir-a rich full-bodied black) with every purchase for their first week. Not sure whether the offer applies for online purchases though.
    Of course I HAD to get the Kaleidoscope, which is beyond gorgeous. I'm sure you've seen swatches all over the place, so I shall not bore you with descriptions, but it is truly a work of utter beauty! I also got Bali lipgloss...Lovely, so elegantly bright and not sticky at all imho (it rather feels like a balm to me).
    Some B Brown was also on the cards, as well as the Formidable nail polish from the new MAC. I know nothing of nail polishes as I only ever paint my toenails, but this really caught my eye and I can't wait to use it.
    Anyway, back to Le Metier, it's a lovely counter, all in white, very chic and I met the lovely Brett, a makeup artist who seems not only adorable, but very competent as well. I shall be booking a makeover appointment with him soon as possible since I also want to try the Peau Vierge tinted moisturiser/skincare. He applied a little on my hand and I loved the effect on the skin, but I'm not about to fork out 90 pounds without some kind of trial...
    Ok, see, now this probably qualifies as a post, not a comment! Sorry about that, it was just that I could not contain my excitement.
    Wish you a wonderful Sunday hon!

  8. Oh Nina! I was so excited reading about your shopping expedition! I'd forgotten there was a new counter in Selfridges. I hope I get chance to go in for a look when I go to London on Wednesday. I think the Kaleidoscope that I admired a while back in Liberty is similar to Le Cirque. Bali lipgloss sounds lovely too.
    Thank you so much for sharing :D
    Jane x

  9. I'm v tempted by these new lipsticks, they look beautiful. I would really miss you if you stopped blogging. x

    Hi Nina - I need to go and have a look at the Le Metier counter at Selfridges. Glad you had a good trip.

  10. Hello Jane,
    Have emailed you x I don't think you can fight off the need for the Tiger palette anymore.. :)

    Hi Nina,
    LOL, well I have your email so if I wasn't blogging would just be telling you about all my purchases anyhow! I am seething with jealousy over you getting the Kaleidoscope!! I am very interested in that Peau Vierge tinted moisturiser so if you do get to test it some more would love to know your thoughts.x

    Hi Grace,
    Thanks so much x Some of the Hourglass ones look quite intense, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up buying one of the red shades :)
