Sunday 12 December 2010

Laura Mercier Sateen Eye Colours and Eye Basic

Usually an out of sight out of mind brand, since having a LM counter near me I have definitely bought more, what's that they say about proximity bringing closeness?

I picked up 3 of the Sateen Eye Colours (£18 each): Sable (cool taupe), Haze (sheer slightly greyed blue) and Pewter (smoky grey/green ).
All the shades have a subtle shimmer. Pigmentation is average and then need a primer to last all day.
I also bought the eye basics (£20) in shade Linen (pink toned cream). I have mixed feelings on this, what I really like is that the coverage is high and acts almost like a concealer (probably why you need to make sure you pick a good match) and covers up any little veins/redness. I find I do not have to use an eye shadow all over to even out the discoloration to create a blank canvas as this does it for me.
My only downside is that I find this too drying and I have to make sure the area is well moisturised before application otherwise it can look a bit crinkly.
In terms of performance it makes shadows last as long, stay as vibrant as with my Too Faced shadow insurance. Where it not for the dryness this would be a re-buy for me.
Although I really like the Holiday Colour Wardrobe I reviewed a while back, Laura Mercier is not a brand that excites me. However, I foresee buying more items as I do have a tendency to venture towards the cosmetic counters in a mindless "must buy" state on my lunch break, now if only they had put a Trish Mcevoy counter there instead. I consider the brands are aimed at the same audience , have a similar style but Trish Mcevoy has a more interesting edge to it.


  1. I totally agree about the proximity thing. When MAC opened a counter near me it definitely got me more into the brand. I was really into LM base products a while back and think the foundations are excellent but haven't really explored the colour products and at the moment don't own anything from them.

  2. The pewter shadow looks pretty! :) I do like a few LM lipstick and glosses, but don't really have any favorites from them.

  3. I adore my LM Eye Basics in Linen! It's a HG and I've probably gone through half a dozen! It makes my eye area look great with and without shadow on. I haven't noticed any dryness--maybe you got a bad batch?

  4. The e/s look pretty!And the package is almost the same as Korres e/s!I was confused for a second!!!;)

  5. I really like the look of Pewter. I don't buy LM often as it's a bit of a drive to the SpaceNK. In fact, it's pretty fortunate for me that nothing high end is nearby at all! It's very annoying at the same time of course. ;)
    Jane x

  6. I agree with the Laura Mercier eye basics being drying- I haven't really used mine very much since I bought it because the texture isn't as nice as other eye primers I've used.

  7. Hi
    I tried the eye basics a few years back and it was more drying on my lids than say UDPP. Your swatches really have me wanting to order both Sable and Pewter.... or should I just save my pennies for more LMdB or RBR? Decisions decisions??? x jeanie

  8. Hi Meeta,
    Funny you should say about MAC as I have a store near me now as well and that is another brand I buy more of now that its near, somewhat unfortunate given the amount of collections they bring out :)

    Hi Makeup Magpie,
    Pewter is the more unique one, I just find I don't tend to reach for them much.

    Hi SB,
    You know I never thought to check the box to see if it has a date on it, just assumed that was the way it was, but perhaps it was an older stock, although not sure I would want to re-buy again just in case!

    Hi Blushingloves,
    Yes it is a bit Korres style, actually you remind me that I did like the Korres shadow I had, might have to pick some more up ;)

    Hi Jane,
    I'm sure you would show as much control as I have if they were near you, I'd hate to think what I would be like in a SpaceNk, probably would be skipping around with a crazy smile x

    Hi Jen,
    It is annoying as if its not right for you its not really something you can make much use of, I've just bought the NARS one so will see how I get on with that.

    Hi Jeanie,
    I found UDPP drying as well. The shadows are nice but not really must haves, I think they are ones to go on your list and if an offer/sale comes on to pick them up. I do however think you may need more LMdB and RBR, have you seen those pictures of the LMdB holiday Kaleidoscope,
    Looks so nice. x
