Wednesday 19 January 2011

Dolce & Gabbana Smooth Eye Colour Quad Fabulous

If I was given the choice of picking what ever eye quads I wanted from the entire D&G range I’d be hard pushed to suggest more than 2. The colours often seem too warm or feature combinations which I cannot work out how I would wear. As I have quite a lot of grey tones I decided against the Champagne quad and went for the more spring looking Fabulous.
It contains a fresh shimmery mint green, a slightly frosty pink, a shimmery smoky blue grey and a brown with very slight micro glitter which does not really translate on the skin on application.
Although initially hesitant I do think all the colours work together, the two lighter ones are a tad too frosty for me but overall I do like the whole look.
The shadows feel very creamy and blend nicely although I have to wear an eye primer to get them to last the day.

Here is a picture of the D&G mystery duo I reviewed a few weeks back, just to show you how the colours look when applied.
The quad cost £36.50 and I bought it from Harrods which I think is the only place you can get the brand from the UK.
From what I have bought so far I would say the photos on the Harrods site are realistic for the eye shadows.


  1. I'm not grabbed by D&G. I have a few bits, but I just don't reach for it. This quad does look nice - it reminds me a bit of the Chanel Garden Party quad from a couple of years ago.

  2. These are very subtle colours - love the sort of duochrome effect in both pics. Wasted on me but can admire it on others. Thankyou. Jan x

  3. Do you ever get the feeling that the D&G quads are a little off? I mean the duo's are great and the colors are always good, but to me they always miss the mark on the quads. Like the color combo's aren't put together well. Am I alone on this thought?

  4. The quad colours look pretty and as ever I can't help but admire your eye looks. The brand just doesn't seem to appeal to me, I remember having a quick look in Selfridges but nothing called to me.
    Jane x

  5. I like the way you have blended the colours - very pretty and I like the way they subtlely merge on the eyes. The only thing I have gotten more into from D&G is the nail polish, I haven't really been taken enough by some of the other products to purchase yet.

  6. This quad is lovely on you! The colors don't appeal to me either, but I do like the Stromboli duo even though it's very neutral.

  7. This look is gorgeous on you and your skills are amazing! Love it!

  8. Very pretty looks, both. I like the texture of D&G shadows. I have Mystery as well :)

  9. Hi Grace,
    I know what you mean, I feel I should like the items more than I do. I guess its not really a "me" brand x

    Hi Jan,
    Duochrome is a good word for it, although I wonder that I might be like you as I do think these would look better on someone else rather than me x

    Hi Diane,
    I think you are right, I can't work out some of them, I think that is why people aren't that drawn to them, shame they don't do pans and palettes so you could create your own palette of colours :)

    Hi Jane,
    I think there are better brands out there, I do wonder if the line will last that long to be honest x

    Hi Meeta,
    Thanks! I have heard good things about the polish, do you have a favourite shade?

    Hello Joolz,
    Thank you, you know going by the comments I think the majority of us are a bit unsure about their colour combos :)

    Hi Jeanie,
    Your are too kind, you know once I uploaded these pictures I thought they looked really unblended and messy so its nice to hear you like it :)

    Hi Makeup Magpie,
    Well, what great taste we have ;) Thank you, I do like the texture of the shadows, I wasn't sold really on the lipstick I got from them though.

  10. Wow, you did a really amazing job with this! I love the way these colours look on you!

  11. I love love love your eyes in the second picture. Pink doesnt work for a lot of people but it looks awesome on you!

  12. Hi Emily,
    Thank you so much :)

    Hi FunnyFaceBeauty,
    Thanks, I know what you mean about pinky toned shadows, many a time I have had them look really bad on me :)

  13. Why did you have to make me go and look at the new NARS!!! Wahhhh!! I want the ones you've mentioned plus I want to see the lipstick and blue duo in the flesh. It's not going to be out in store for another week and a half/two weeks apparently.

    As well as all that I want the Chanel Ombrees Perlees, the spring Guerlain palette not to mention a Touche Veloutee and string of other skincare. Purse, get ready for a hammering!!

  14. Hi Jane,
    well I thought it would be rude not to share ;P good, I'm glad you have now added to the spring want list shame. I don't know how we are going to afford all of this quite frankly, still you know I am not good with waiting so I probably end up buying it all and can tell you what to skip so you can buy more wisely!
    I got my new EB lipsticks, not tried yet, will try to post over weekend.
    I need to buy another Touche Veloutee but wondered whehter to get the blue one instead as I think that is the newer improved one? x

  15. I agree, the colours definitely do work together. Great look =D

  16. Hi Imo,
    Thanks, they have a duo in their spring collection that I have my eye on :)

  17. My favourite is the one I have posted about Rose 120 - still one of my favourites pink shades, love the gold tone in this. There is a swampy green/gold colour which looks nice too. I may get this next although trying not to splurge too much on nail polish.

  18. Hi Meeta,
    That 120 is really pretty. I do like the look of the one they have out for Spring going by the pics I have seen, sort of a green/grey/silver metallic.
