Sunday 23 January 2011

Edward Bess Ultra Slick Lipsticks: Blush Allure, Rose Demure and Demi Buff

With their great pigment, coverage and long lasting formula, the Ultra Slick lipsticks are one of my favourites.
I was delighted when 3 new shades were released as the majority of the existing shades seemed more warm toned and the new ones are more neutral/cool.
Picture L-R:Rose Demure, Blush Allure, Demi Buff
Although now in an updated square packaging the lipstick formula/texture/scent seems to be the same, although I feel they set a bit more quickly than before.
Rose Demure is a pink with a slight mauve tone (you can see my picture has really picked up the mauve in it). Blush Allure is a light nude pink and Demi Buff is a pinky brown.
The finish is more of a satin, rather than matte or shimmer. I find Rose Demure and Blush Allure are cool toned whereas Demi Buff is neutral. On swatching the lipsticks on my wrist I would say the colours come out lighter when applied on lips.
Swatches L-R:Rose Demure, Blush Allure, Demi Buff
From what I have tried of Edward Bess so far I think its a elegant brand with a well thought out range, offering classic easy to wear everyday colours.
I bought these from Zuneta (they cost £24 each) .


  1. I must say that these do look infinately wearable shades, I got EB Tender Love and was deeply disappointed. Colour great, texture great, packaging great, smell dire a sort of burnt rubbery sugary mess, so I really haven't worn it for that reason. What do these smell like? Thanks for the post and pics. Jan x

  2. Hi Jan,
    These smell the same, strong fig scent, I like it to be honest and I don't normally like scents in lipsticks at all. I can see that it wouldn't be to a lot of peoples taste though, now think of all the money you have saved by not liking the scent ;)

  3. Just got Rose Demure and Blush Allure on Friday. Although I was a bit concerned that they appeared lighter than my natural lip colour when worn, I quite like the effect. Is the closest I can get to a nude lip without looking like a corpse! Jennifer x

  4. I thought these new formulations were supposed to have the fig scent but it was going to be less noticeable. Do you still find it as strong? I admit that I like the scent too but I know it's not to everyone's taste. I believe you can de-scent a lipstick (is that a word) by leaving the lid off for a couple of days. I think Karla Sugar once posted about it.

    Anyway, on to the post. These lipsticks look lovely. I'm tempted but I think they're similar to some I have bought recently. I'm sure I'll crack eventually. Starting with Rose Demure....

  5. Demi buff looks right up my street. Ive been buying a lot of pinky brown nudes as they suit my tone incredibly well. Ive never tried Edward Bess lippies but I love Zuneta for stocking new and innovative brands.

  6. Never tried the line before but I love the lipsticks you have.

  7. Never tried EB before but I've been lusting the brand ever since I saw pictures from the Bloggers/PR event last year! These colours are gorgeous looking...especially Rose Demure! I'm going to have to be strong and wait before payday before I start going shopping crazy on Zuneta! :)

  8. Arggghh! These are so gorgeous but I know I won't be able to get past the scent! I love, love, love the look of blush allure- such a pretty pinky/nude. I'm trying to be good (please don't laugh) anyway! x jeanie

  9. I have Demi buff and really like it, I do find the formula to be ever so slightly "powdery" compared to the previous one.. do you know what I mean? It still wears great and I have been pairing it with the Paul and Joe lip lacquer (another favorite) in #7 which is an exact match! I also wear it with the gorgeous Aragonite glossimer from Chanel's spring collection. Hope you enjoy these new acquisitions!

  10. Helloooooo! Happy (very belated) New Year!!!
    Goodness, I leave you alone for barely five minutes and what happens? You have gone and bought a ton of absolutely lovely things and made me very jealous :-))))
    Ah, the new goodies by Mr Bess. They are so your colours...
    Lots of London love
    Nina x

  11. Hi Jennifer,
    Yes I find the nude lip look quite difficult on my skintone, I think Edward got these shades just right :)

    Hi Jane,
    Well I have done a smell test now and to me they smell the same really, perhaps thats just me though :)Yes, rose demure would probably be the one for you, Blush Allure too light for you I think and I'm sure you have dupes for Demi Buff..oh the money I save you ;P

    Hi Imo,
    I always go for pinky browns as well. Your right, Zuneta stock really interesting brands, I am sure I probably order from them at least once a month, I'll be interested to see what else they have to offer us this year :)

    Hi FunnyFacebeauty,
    They are very much can't go wrong shades.

    Hi Ms. Wedgie,
    You may just have to give them a try ;) this months pay day seems to be taking forever, I have a horrible feeling once I get it alot will be going on more makeup that I don't really need!

    Hello Jeanie,
    It is quite a strong scent, of course you could try Jane's lid leaving off suggestion x

    Hi Lakshmi,
    I wonder when you say more powdery if that fits in with me saying they set quicker, there is a very slight difference in the lipsticks, although I think its only me and you so far who has said this? I'm hoping to check out Chanel Spring this week, I'll have a look at that Aragonite gloss x

    Hello Nina,
    Happy new year to you as well, I was wondering where my Nina was!
    Yes, the crazy makeup spending continues, my eye is on the NARS and Armani spring next, of course after Chanel... x

  12. I love this trio but I do prefer the old packaging.

  13. Hi Ammie,
    Yes, I prefer the old style one as well, a bit more sleek!
