Friday 4 February 2011

Bobbi Brown New Rich Lip Colour SPF 12

The new Rich Lip Color SPF 12 is the best formula BB has released so far in my opinion. The texture is quite lightweight, creamy, and initially quite moisturising (the moisturising effect soon dissipates after the first 30 minutes). It also lasts extremely well (entire working day).
The pigmentation is very impressive. When swatching them in store what become apparent is that the colours are quite pure, they don’t seem to contain lots of facets of differing tones. The result of this is that you get very clear, crisp colours.
As I’d not seen any reviews/swatches of these I picked out a colour which I thought looked like a rosy pink, No. 13. The name Mod Pink should have set off a warning siren but nevertheless that was the shade I went for. Once home , the colour looked more of a blue based pink in the tube. You can see the difference in artificial light and natural light below:
In day light this is just about wearable for me but indoors it looks too bright/too pink. The brightness is easily solved by blotting and applying a gloss on top but I do wish I had chosen another shade.
The colour in my lip picture is not as bright as it appears in real life but I wanted to give you an idea (this is just one gentle application of colour). I'd say it leans towards a semi matte finish.

I like the pigmentation and wear of this product enough to want to buy another shade but I think I’ll wait till I see some posts about these so hopefully I can make a more informed choice next time. This cost me £16.


  1. You may get this comment twice - my new laptop is a bit whizzy and I think I have commented and then pfffff gone. This is such a pretty colour and I can see it really suiting your colouring. I am not sure that it would suit me so well but am sorely tempted, I have been promised a trip into town tomorrow so it is a choice between this or the peacocky range, hmmm decisions decisions. Thanks for this Jan x

  2. i love the colour. I haven't tried any of the BobbI Brown lipsticks but I want to start getting more some products from her company as the things I do have I really like.

  3. Thanks for the review! I haven't tried these yet, but will take a look at my Bobbi Brown counter this weekend to see if they have them. :)

  4. I think this looks very nice on you! Haven't seen those yet, but the strong pigmentation is actually quite visible from the swatch pic...
    Have a lovely weekend hon :-)

  5. I'm going to try and check these out in person. Dunno if there are out for sale here though? Lovely color on you anyway- you have a lovely lip-shape. x jeanie

  6. I've heard that this new line is supposed to be creamy and full coverage with intense pigmentation. In other words, pick your color carefully because what you see in the tube is what you'll get on the lips. I think it will probably be too much for me as I prefer lighter textures on my lips, but I'll be checking it out because you never know . . . :-)

  7. Hi Jan,
    I'm sure you could find a shade you like, probably best if you can swatch them then go out in some natural light though ;) I got some things from Peacocky as well, my store had sold out of 2 of the shadows and 1 lip colour on the first day!

    Hi Alicia,
    It is a nice colour, although not sure its really me, they did have some really nice vibrant brights and deep shades there as well.

    Hello Makeup Magpie,
    They are worth a look, actually I think there are quite a few nice things coming out from BB, I like the look of the Peony & Python palette.

    Hi Nina,
    Thanks. I wasn't expecting to see them when I did, and just can't seem to pass up a new lip formula ;) x

    Hi Jeanie,
    I had assumed they would be out your side but just checked and it looks like its more towards end of Feb they are coming out, still hopefully by then you can see more reviews so as to pick up the right colour should you buy. Thanks so much for the lip comment, I tend to think I have strange wonky lips ;)

    Hello Eileen,
    Your right there, and I didn't pick carefully, I choose to blame the store lighting. I would say they feel quite lightweight, probably worth a peruse when you are next near a counter :)

  8. I'll have to have a look at these - I find the original BB lipstick formula a bit drying. I like the colour, but then I like LIPs ;)

  9. Hi Grace,
    I think there were some very "you" shades there ;)

  10. great post!this is one of only a few swatches i've seen so far. many thanks

  11. Hi Faye Lu,
    Thanks ;) I think it will be handy when karlasugar gets to posting swatches, which I am sure will happen at some point.
