Saturday 19 February 2011

Rouge Bunny Rouge Bejewelled Skylark V MAC Centre Stage

Just a quick extra post today as the lovely Jane from had wondered how Rouge Bunny Rouge Bejewelled Skylark compares to MAC Centre Stage mega metal eyeshadow.
In terms of texture, RBR is smoother and more pigmented.
Swatched below, RBR on the left
I think they are different enough to own both, the MAC is cooler, RBR is richer and warmer.


  1. Hee hee! I had just replied to you on the other thread to say no rush!

    Thank you so much for doing this, it's a really helpful reference for those that asked about how similar they are. I definitely see a difference, as you say Centre Stage is cooler in tone.

    Thanks again, I really appreciate it :D
    Jane x

  2. No problem, I don't often think to compare shades, guess I am slack ;)
    I was trying to do the post quick and had my boy next to me, who managed to go mental on my return button and post it before I was ready, don't think I have ever had to delete something so quickly!

  3. MUCH prefer the RBR - thanks so much for posting this up, great to see the comparison xx

  4. Wow, the RBR one looks so rich compared to the MAC!!!
    Great comparison!!!


  5. Hi WelshBeautyBlog,
    Glad it helped, yes the RBR is a lot nicer! x

    Hi Tina,
    Rich is spot on, they don't compare really x
