Friday 13 May 2011

Chanel Rouge Coco Shine Royallieu & Deauville

Royallieu is credited as being the Coco Shine that was used in the Haute Couture Spring/Summer Fashion Show in Paris.
Its a very sheer cool toned pink. A delicate, innocent shade, great to wear with a smokey eye.

I had initially passed on Deauville as it looked too brown in the tube. After a trusted recommendation (thanks Lakshmi) I decided to pick it up.
I am so glad I did, although it does contain a lot of brown it also has a mauve/rose twist to it, great everyday classic shade.

Although I really like the lightweight feel and shine finish of the Coco Shines, its the colours on offer that keep making me go back for more.

These cost me £22.50 each and I bought them from John Lewis


  1. I really do need to get a Chanel lippie, oh how you tempt me! Great post :)

  2. I think I tried Deauville out, it's lovely and on my list (as well as probably 5 others!)

    I love the Rouge Coco Shines, I have gotten a lot of use out of Boy, it's one I don't really need to think out.

    I think next for me is one of the new Dior lippies, I tested the tangerine shade from the new collection and I think I might have to go back and get it.

  3. It's Deauville that I originally sent my husband out for, I'm glad to hear you like it. He just said it was "very brown"! I do suspect it's one that I would like. Thanks for the swatches x

  4. Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!! :D
    I've recently been loving Romance which is a very bright pink in the tube but is quite pretty on the lips.. I do find that it doesn't look as smooth as the other RC shines but maybe that's because my lips are dry. I've been sort of dotting it on rather than applying it all over and then topping it with Chantecaille's Sweet brilliant gloss, its a pretty combo!

  5. I'm personally not a fan of these, mostly because I'm not a fan of any lipstick really. I do see their appeal but was left disappointed with these. I also suspect that I'm in the minority on this one. I do think the color range was nice.

  6. I really like Deauville. I think I perhaps went a teeeeeny little bit crazy over these, but the range of colours is ever so tempting. I'm sure that both of these must look lovely on you.
    I also meant to comment on your previous post about the RBR shadows. I have been debating these two shades for the longest time and you just sold them to me...damn! :))
    Nina x

  7. Hi Vintage Makeup,
    Thanks, I do have a bit of a thing about these, everyone needs at least one Chanel lipstick ;)

    Hi Meeta,
    I keep meaning to get Boy but seem to get distracted by other shades. I didn't get a chance yet to see the Dior new lipstick shades for Summer, the SA was doing a makeover in front of the summer display and would only let me test 2 of the items from the range! I will have to check them out though :)

    Hi Jane,
    It does look very much brown in the tube, I do think it would be an everyday type of shade for you x

    Hi Lakshmi,
    Thanks again :) Romance does sound very nice, I wonder if its just that shade that doesn't look as smooth or if there are other ones, I'll probably end up getting another one when the summer collection comes out here :)

    Hi Hopelessly Devoted To Makeup,
    I have seen other bloggers who just don't get on with them, I am a bit of a lipstick fiend I have to say, if there is a new one on the market I want to check it out ;)

    Hi Nina,
    You and me both, I still wonder if I will end up with the whole lot, sometimes I think it would be nice to own everything of a certain range, wasteful and frivolous of course and yet....
    LOL about the RBR, they are really nice, I do hoep they will add more shades to the line up x

  8. Hi

    Beautiful post! I love Royallieu but I don't think it's available here in the US. I'm going to get the other one though- it looks so pretty!
    x jeanie

  9. Hi Jeanie,
    Thanks, Royallieu will be out in July in the US :)
