Sunday 1 May 2011

Dolce & Gabbana: Shine Lipsticks in Emotion and Soiree

The D&G Shine Lipsticks are creamy, and have a lush shimmery, high shine glossiness to them. Wear time is average. They feel light and have quite a bit of slip to them and are more moisturising than the classic cream versions.
The lipsticks have a strong rose scent.

Both shades have good pigmentation. Emotion is a mauve pink with champagne/gold shimmer.
Soiree is a stunning pink coral (£22 each)

I would be buying more of these lipsticks, but there is a problem.
My Soiree arrived off centre and smooshed and almost looked melted. I assumed it was just where it had been stored. After giving photographic evidence, a letter of explanation and a phone call to Harrods, we sent it back and managed to get a replacement.
I open the tube and all looked well, took my pictures for this blog and then I applied it, and the entire lipstick broke off from its base!
I put it back into the tube, but as its completely loose and keeps rubbing against the inside of the casing I can only use it very gingerly with a lip brush, not raised much out of the tube. I find it almost unusable, which is a shame as I adore the colour.
The texture is just too soft and although my Emotion one seems fine, I feel like I need to use it with the lightest hand for fear of the same thing happening. For the price I am just not willing to take the risk that I might have this happen for a third time.

My mother bought these for me from Harrods as a present.


  1. Oh dear, that is a shame as they look such pretty colours. I had a similar incident with a recent Rouge D'armani lipstick purchase. I used it for the first time and it broke of straight from the base. Although I like the look of a lot of the other colours, it does definitely make you think twice x

  2. It's too bad about Soiree it's a gorgeous color!

    I love soft lippies, but too soft is a no go!

  3. Hi
    From the photos the swatch of Soiree definitely appears to be a more *moisturizing- soft formula* than the other color. I love both shades- stunning! That is a shame to have this happen but to have it happen with a gift is even more sad. I'm sure they look lovely on you. Thanks for the warning- xx jeanie

  4. These are such pretty colors, it's too bad about the overly-soft formula. A SA at Saks told me they have changed the formula on the Shine lipsticks. The one I got from the Summer collection (Perla) is less shiny than some of my older ones. xx

  5. Wow these colors are so pretty, especially Soirée looks gorgeous on you! Did you check out Liberte from the RC shines? Very pretty too

  6. What a shame! This is always the problem with such moisturising lipsticks. There must be a way they can better support the bullet?

  7. Those are gorgeous colors! But I agree it is way too risky to have to deal with worrying about them breaking off all of the time and falling out of the tube. They also look like they are very short ie. not much product? At least from the pics. Soiree is so pretty :-(

  8. That's terrible about the lipstick being broken. I have to agree with you...the Soiree is absolutely gorgeous! I am so loving that color.


  9. What a shame! And how very frustrating, especially as the colours are gorgeous and very 'you'. But I agree, these are way too expensive to experiment with :(
    Nina x

  10. Hi Lipstick Luvvie,
    What a shame about the Armani, it does put you off though for the price, I've only had 1 Rouge D'Armani, maybe I should avoid those as well, think it would upset me too much to see a broken Armani lipstick ;) x

    Hi Vintage Makeup,
    It is a beautiful colour, if you dare take the risk :)

    Hi Jeanie,
    In a way I'd of rather I didn't like the colours/formulas as I'll now how to resist getting anymore. I was rather miffed about it really as they were my birthday present x

    Hi Makeup Magpie,
    Thats very interesting that they have changed the formula, I wonder perhaps if that means I could be safe to buy any new shades in the shine range that are released this year? I like that you have giving me the hope ;) x

    Hi Lakshmi,
    I think I liked Liberte if that was the peachy one, I picked up that other one you recommended, Deauville and really love it so thanks for that! x

    Hi dempss01,
    You would think so, you know I'm not sure I've had this happen with another brand before, I'm hoping I was just unlucky (twice) :)

    Hi PerilouslyPale,
    Yes, in terms of product amount I'd say it seemed less than the norm. It was also quite a hassle trying to get a replacement for the first one so not something I'd want to go through again.

    Hi Christina,
    It is such a lovely colour and I can't think of anything that is similar unfortunately :(

    Hi Nina,
    It is annoying, I went and stared at my poor broken and squished Soirée after I did this post :( x

  11. Oh what a shame. It looks like such a pretty colour too, though like Jeanie as soon as I say the swatch I noticed how soft it must be. Is it worth transferring it into a pot, like an empty lip balm container? Or would you be less inclined to use it that way? Some of the moisturising lipsticks are really bad for doing this.
    Jane x

  12. I am surprised and sorry to hear of your situation with Soiree. I had a slightly different experience when I purchased these from Saks. I noticed a slight divit on my lippie - I assumed that it was from some prior usage, so I sent it back to Saks, having another sent to me. When I received the replacement, I noticed another divit. I then consulted my engineer husband, who informed me that in order to "engrave" the "DG" on one side of the lippie, the mechanism needs a balance point, which likely made the divit. Well you live and learn. I am sorry to hear of your experience - softness was not the issue in my case...

  13. Hey Replica, Am so glad you liked Deauville! Liberte is the peachy one and I'm sure you'll like that too.. I've been using Bel-Ami a lot and its such a pleasing color to wear
