Sunday 29 May 2011

Snowberry Every Day 15 SPF - Broad Spectrum

I don’t mix well with sunscreens, I have tried many from the cheap to the expensive and apart from two, they all break me out. The Everyday SPF15 (£31 for 50ml) has a creamy texture but does not feel heavy on the skin. It blends in extremely well (a lot of sunscreens just seem to sit on the skin or apply very patchy). It doesn’t feel greasy/oily and provides just enough moisture for my dry skin. I have also found this gentle enough to be used around my eye area.
I have waited quite a while to review this so that I could be sure as to whether this causes my skin a problem and I am delighted to say it does not give me breakouts or cause me any irritation. In fact my skin feels really nice after use, very soft.

Its a certified broad spectrum sun protection product (protected against both UVB and UVA light). I found the following interesting (from the Snowberry website) “you may not know that SPF15 provides about 93% protection against UVB, and surprisingly, SPF30 provides just 4% more. So, it is more in how you use your product, than its rating that is important. You should also know that ‘SPF15’ means you have protection against UVB only (the rays that cause sunburn), for 15x the burn time if you weren’t wearing a sun product. Because ‘SPF’ is not a measure of protection against the more dangerous UVA light, Snowberry’s Everyday SPF15 is also certified under the internationally recognised Boots Star system to provide good UVA protection (see the 3-Star logo on the box)"

This is an outstanding all year round sunscreen, and I can not find any fault with it.

I bought this from


  1. Oh, I have so far resisted the Snowberry, but you know me and a good sunscreen. SO tempted by this.

  2. It sounds amazing! SPF 15 isn't as high as I'd need though

  3. Yay! I'm so pleased you've reviews this as I have been wondering about getting this. It sounds like there's nothing stopping me know :D
    Jane x

  4. Interesting about the difference between the SPFs. I wouldn't mind trying this, I think I had a little test in Wholefoods a while back and quite liked that it's not a white cream.

  5. Being as fair as I am and so prone to sunburn I need at least an SPF of 25 that sounds nice though.

  6. That sounds promising. I also have a hard time with sunscreen. Either the chemical ones redden my face or the physical ones make me look like dead. I don't think I have ever seen Snowberry, but I will look for it next time I am in Whole Foods. I have been having good luck with Elta MD sunscreen,which I can wear under makeup. Sometimes sunscreens ball up! Yuck.

  7. Sounds like such a nice line of skincare.

    PS please email me about a girl named penelope xx

  8. Id like to introduce spf into my life but Im afraid itll make me look ashy and white =l. Ive heard good things about the snowberry brand nonetheless

  9. Hi Grace,
    I had wondered if you would succumb at some point, I think you might well like it and if you do I'll bet you get tempted by some of their other items like the serums x

    Hi Vintage Makeup,
    I do wonder as they have marked this medium protection if they are working on a high protection one as well.

    Hi Jane,
    Well I'd better hope you like it then or I'll be in trouble ;)
    I'll look forward to see your thoughts on it if you do get it as there doesn't seem to be that many reviews for the brand and I'm sure that is what stops some from taking a chance on it x

    Hi Meeta,
    Yes I thought it interesting to as I had assumed there would be a lot more difference. I seem to be working my way through the line up, I'd like to try one of their serums next :)

    Hi Hopelessly Devoted To Makeup,
    Yes, I don't get on with the sun either with my pale skin, I wore this on some days a while back when it was really hot and I didn't catch any sun on my face so I am hoping this will be enough for being briefly in the sun ;)

    Hi Zuzu's Petals,
    I'd get the ball up problem a lot with other sunscreens, I do think Snowberry as a whole line it worth checking out, the only drawback is some of the items are rather spendy! x

    Hi Jeanie,
    Yes, I'm glad to see they seem to be expanding where they are sold so hopefully they will become available near you at some point :)
    oooooh off to email you ;) x

    Hi Imo,
    It didn't seem to have a really white cast to it like the majority of sunscreens and just disappeared into my skin, I know Meeta was able to get some samples from a whole foods store, if you have one near you would be worth a try as it is a lovely range?

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