Sunday 19 June 2011

Giveaway:Rouge Bunny Rouge

::::::::THIS IS NOW CLOSED::::::::::::::::::::::::::::As a thank you for reaching 300 followers here is a little giveaway.
Rouge Bunny Rouge has certainly had a recent spread of popularity but one thing I've noticed is that the Loose glitter pigments don't get much mention. For me these are the best loose shadows I have tried, so I've bought Sleeping under a Mandarin tree (shimmery warm golden champagne) for this giveaway. Its an extremely versatile colour and I get a lot of use out of my one.

Here are the rules:
1.To enter you must be one of my followers and just submit a comment on this post.
2.The giveaway will close on Sunday 26th June 2011 5pm UK time, and the winner will be picked via a random number generator. I'll announce the winner on my blog so that you can email me your address details.

This is open to all countries


  1. Wow I am the first commenter! If I win this will be my first RBR item! What a great giveaway! Thank you!

  2. What a lovely giveaway and congrats on 300 followers, well deserved. I must admit I have tended to overlook these pigments, always mean to get Wishing for Wings and then get distracted by something else. This looks a beautiful colour x

  3. Thank you so much for the opportunity! :) I am a new follower! Also, really lovely shade.

  4. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers!

  5. Congrats on 300 followers, thank you so much for the giveaway!

  6. congrats on reaching 300. love ur blog

  7. Great prize, congratulations on your 300+ subscribers! :)

  8. congrats to you, you deserve it! your blog is just amazing (and you are such an enabler) ;)

  9. I've been totally eyeing some RBR so thank you for having this giveaway!

    Congratulations on reaching the big 300. You deserve it!

  10. Congratulations! I agree with ketolglutarat, it's very well deserved and you are definitely an enabler (as well as a money saver). ;)

    I really like Wishing for Wings and as loose pigments go, it's my least fiddly to use. I do think they need more love.
    Jane x

  11. congratulations on 300 subscribers! :) I love your blog

  12. Congratulations! I always look out for your new posts on my Google reader!

  13. Congrats on so many followers! It's well deserved. I've never tried a RBR product before =)

  14. Congrats on the followers! I've had my eye on this one since you mentioned it in a previous post ages ago. :)

  15. Congrats on 300 followers!
    Thank you for this giveaway :) x

  16. That's a stunning colour - I didn't even know they did loose pigments! amazing.

    Thank you :)

  17. I am very happy for you and your readers ^_^ Love your reviews as always. I would love to try out RBR's pigments. Saving for my RBR wish list is torture with so many great reviews. Thank you for your generosity! KK x

  18. Would love to win this - never tried RBR and this colour looks very 'me'!

    Thank you!

  19. Congrats on reaching 300, you certainly deserve every follower! :) love RBR - I've heard good things about their products but I've never actually bought any, since they seem kinda expensive...

  20. Many-many congrats on your 300 followers Replica! You deserve twice as many my dear :))
    And what a fabulous giveaway! You're right about these, they don't get too much attention. I certainly don't own one...yet lol.
    Have a great week ahead.
    Nina x

  21. Hello! Warmest Congrats!

    Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Such a gorgeous color- I'm very interested in these. They look so pretty. x

  22. Congrats on 300+ followers! I follow you on GFC and I would love to try out these RBR loose shadows. That isn't something that I would buy on my own but sometimes it is those unexpected items that are the best surprises! Thanks for hosting such a fantastic giveaway!

  23. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on 300 followers! You have a great blog :)

  24. Congratulations on your 300 followers. I love RBR but haven't tried the loose shadows yet. I'm an RSS subscriber.

  25. Thank you so much for the giveaway :) & congrats on 300+!!!

  26. Oh, how I wish we had access to RBR here in the US! I have been plotting RBR orders from Zuneta for some time now, but have not yet pulled the trigger. Congrats on reaching 300!

  27. Congrats on 300+ followers!

    I don't own any RBR product yet, I only admire them on the photos :)

  28. Love RBR - and your reviews have been immensely helpful in the decision making process - difficult enough to do online, as RBR is not sold here in the US!

  29. New Convert to RBR - great competiton - thank you.

  30. Enter me please!

    GFC: Bec

  31. What a lovely competition - never seen these before, and LOVE it :) Thank you!

  32. Many congrats on 300+ followers, I know that's a BIG thing! :)

    I'm already following you thru GFC (spider girl) :)

    techiespidergurl at gmail dot com

  33. that looks so beautiful! I am constantly coveting your RBR purchases :)

  34. What a generous giveaway! This looks like a gorgeous color :)

  35. Congrats on your 300+ followers. I'm a rather recent subscriber, but I totally love your taste in makeup and the brands you review. I've been dying to try RBR since I've heard so many good things about it on MUA, but I am on a no-buy until my birthday. :) Keep the good work up!

  36. Heyyy:)!!! THANK YOU so so sooooooo VERY much for this INCREDIBLE and AMAZING giveaway:)!!! I REALLY appreciate all of your hard work on this awesome giveaway I have not tried ANY of these products EVER because I cannot really afford them being a student and but I have heard AWESOME reviews about ALL them and I really would LOVE to try them THANK YOU:)!!! PLUS you are ending this RIGHT before MY BIRTHDAY this is literally my whole dream birthday wish list in one I have NEVER tried ANY of these makeup products EVER THANK YOU SO MUCH:)!!! THANK YOU:D!!!!!!GFC- emmybear411
    e-mail- THANK YOU:D!!!!!!

  37. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers!

  38. Congratulations on this milestone, one of many I hope! :) Your blog is one of my favorites and I truly owe my entire RBR collection to your swatches and reviews! And thanks for all the other fun product discoveries!

  39. Yayy congrats on your followers hun!!I'd love to enter!!Gorgeous giveaway!!


  40. Wow many congrats on reaching 300 ! keep up the fab work as your reviews are always honest.

  41. Hi, I hope you don't mind but I tagged you for the Versatile Blogger award. No pressure to fulfil the tag if it's not your kind of thing!

  42. beautiful blog. i've been reading it for a while now. lovely gift, and I agree that this delightful and magical rouge bunny rouge treat looks a gem. I'm hoping to try it! congratulations!

  43. Hey there. you do such a lovely job; thanks for such fine photography. I look forward to your posts and have learned a great deal from you... I am grateful!

  44. Congrats on 300 followers!
    And thank you for this giveaway :)

  45. Congrats on 300+ followers :)

    I'm going to have to admit I didn't know RBR did loose pigments!

  46. Congrats on reaching 300 followers and thank you for all the great posts! The giveaway is lovely and RBR is one of my faves.
