Friday 3 June 2011

Rouge Bunny Rouge Metamorphoses Mattifying Primer

Although I have dry skin I am extremely prone to getting shine breakthrough. Every time I try a mattifying product they either break me out, are too drying, apply cakey/patchy and just generally look awful. When I was sent the mattifying primer (£44) I approached it with not much hope.
It comes in a beautifully designed pump bottle.
Its a medium to thick textured white cream,yet feels extremely lightweight and smooth on the skin. Although this does not feel moisturising, nor does it feel drying. It applies really well, just like a second skin creating a smooth makeup base. Its described as giving the skin a velvet matte suede finish and that is spot on.
It works extremely well, it create a great base, giving my foundation more coverage and it also cuts down shine incredibly well.
Apologies for the scary forehead picture but I wanted to show you the difference this makes. Both pictures I took in the same light and wearing the same moisturiser and same foundation, only difference is the one on the right is wearing the primer underneath the foundation.
Its also nice used lightly as a lip base it you want to create a matte/suede like effect.

I've not had any breakouts or irritation from this product, here are the Ingredients.
I'm extremely pleased with this, its a product that gives me immediate and visible results, well done RBR you have brought out yet another fabulous product.

RBR are available from

Disclosure: I was sent this for free.


  1. Those are great results! Thanks for posting the comparison photo. So helpful! Do you think this would be suitable for those with dry skin just wanting to get more longevity out of there foundation that don't have too much of an issue with oil breakthrough?

  2. Great review! I am pleased to hear that this product didn't cause you to break out, I have acne prone skin and I am always weary of primers because they tend to cause a break out. Thanks for posting ingredients as well!

  3. I have a small sample of this and I really like it. It sorts out the shine on my T-zone perfectly. I must try it out as a lip base as that sounds really interesting. RBR really do know how to make amazing cosmetics! Thank you for the great review as always.
    Jane x

  4. This sounds like it may fare much better for me then the aqua primer, there is a clear difference in your photo. Thanks for your review!

  5. Oh no! I was convinced that I *needed* this, especially as the hotter months are approaching until I read the ingredients and saw it contains oil! I was so curious about this product. Great review and thanks for always including a pic of the ingredients you have no clue how helpful that is! Thanks!

  6. That is seriously impressive! Thanks for this review Replica, it's most helpful, as always. I need to dig out my RBR samples stash, as I think I might have a small pot of deserves some very serious consideration.
    Have a great weekend my dear!
    Nina x

  7. Great review, as always. Your results are quite impressive, especially given a mattifying agent contains oils!

  8. Hi PerilouslyPale,
    I think it would give your foundation a lot better wear, but it depends how dry your skin is, if you consider your skin very dry or if you have rough/dry flaky areas then I don't think this will be moisturising enough for you.

    Hi productdoctor,
    Thank you. I break out so easily I am always weary about trying something new so I was so pleased this worked for me :)

    Hi Jane,
    Thanks ;)we really need to obtain pretty much all of the RBR line don't we x

    Hi Meeta,
    Yes I do think this would be a lot better for your skin type, I wonder if Zuneta would send you a sample as I think its worth you trying.

    Hi Hopelessly Devoted To Makeup,
    What a shame, I have to say I have a long list of ingredients to avoid so I am always looking for ingredient lists online,so do try to post them when I can, so I am glad its of help :)

    Hi Nina,
    Thank you, I was surprised really how much change it made, also didn't realise how oily my forehead looks in photos normally! eugh! x

    Hi Zuzu's Petals,
    Thank you :) I do wonder if the oils is what makes the texture better than any other mattifying product I have tried, I'd be interested to know how someone got on with this who had really oily skin.

  9. Remarkable results!!!
    I think this would be a great item for warmer weather!
    Thanx for this review, now I'm off to see if I have any forgotten samples of this from previous Zuneta orders...!


  10. Hi Tina,
    I'm hoping you do have a sample as its well worth a try, if not I'm sure Zuneta wolud send you one :)
