Sunday 28 August 2011

Rouge Bunny Rouge Eye Look

I'd thought I'd show you a quick eye look I did today. I wanted to go for a darker look but with a little flash of colour, my skin is recovering from a break out at the moment so I tend to go for more pronounced makeup in an attempt to serve as a distraction from the bad areas.
The colours I used ( all Rouge Bunny Rouge) were Wishing For Wings loose glitter pigment on the main inner lid, Spun from Sunny Seawater loose glitter pigment on the middle of lid, Bejewelled Skylark on the outer edge, Abyssinian Catbird in the crease and Blackpepper Jay to line.
My application is not that great but I do really like the combination of colours.

Swatches L-R: Abyssinian Catbird, Wishing For Wings, Spun from Sunny Seawater, Blackpepper Jay, Bejewelled Skylark.

I bought all of these from


  1. This looks lovely! It's such a pretty and unexpected combination. You have a talent with color :)

  2. I truly, completely and utterly LOVE this.

  3. This looks very pretty. The loose glitter pigments give it a sort of mermaid feel.

  4. A little moody and very pretty at the same time :)

  5. I love the look, the combination of colours is breathtaking.

  6. I love the look on you, great use of the colors. I haven't bought the loose shadows yet but maybe I should now that I see how lovely they are.

  7. looks great! i like the idea of taking the focus off pimples, im gonna try it!
    Grace xx

  8. So utterly pretty!
    I agree with Meeta, it has an almost liquid quality...I'm sure it does the trick of detracting attention from problem areas; I mean, who can take their eyes off this :))
    Have a great BH Monday lovely!
    Nina x

  9. That is fan-frickin-tastic!! I better get those pigments so I can recreate!

  10. I absolutely love it! You are so talented with colour. It's also a credit to the quality of the eyeshadows that they don't get lost in one another. Thank you so much for sharing x

  11. It's a lovely look! I like how the shades blend together well and are vibrant on the lids. I have yet to purchase from this brand but your EOTD is really tempting me!

  12. That is so pretty! The gradation of color is really a stunning effect. It's vibrant without being bright. Love it.

  13. Hi Makeup Magpie,
    Thank you for the lovely comment :)

    Hi Charlie,
    Thank you, I bet these colours would look really good on you :)

    Hi Meeta,
    Thanks, yes, it does have a bit of an aqua look about it :)

    Hi Dovey,
    LOL, yes it does have that moody tone to it ;)

    Hi Jen W,
    Thank you :) RBR colours make it easy, seem to just blend so well.

    Hi MarciaF,
    Thanks :)I do think its worth you picking up one to try, so easy to use and they do make a look that bit more interesting :)

    Thanks, I need all the spot distraction I can at the moment ;)

    Hello Nina,
    Thank you :) I do need to start using more colourful eye looks I think as I tend to get trapped in the neutral/taupe circle of security! x

    Hi PerilouslyPale,
    Thanks for the "fan-frickin-tastic" LOL, don't think I have had one of those before. I do think the RBR loose pigments are a must have really as they can really upgrade a look x

    Hi Jane,
    Thank you, thats a lovely thing to say. I do think you would get quite a lot of use out of Spun from Sunny Seawater, even though its not a colour you tend towards as it works really well with darker shades, gives them a new edge x

    Hi Kristie,
    Thank you. RBR is easily one of my favourite brands, I do thing its a brand you fall in love with and just want more and more :)

    Hi Zuzu's Petals,
    Thank you :) As you know RBR blend so well, I really love Spun from Sunny Seawater as it gives that dash of colour but never looks over the top x

  14. Wow! I love the innovative ways in which you combine colors, I'd never have thought to combine the pop of turquoise on the lid. And I've said it before, you really are the queen of blending--- love it!! Another post to bookmark for application ideas! xxx

  15. Hello Lakshmi,
    Thank you so much "blushes" thats such a lovely compliment :) I don't tend to do posts just about an eye look I've done as I thought not many people would be bothered so its really nice the responce I have got xxx

  16. GORGEOUS!!!
    I love these combos of color! I need to order some of those glitters! Gahhh! Been behind on posts and trying to catch up. Things have been so busy and I owe you an email too! Will get on it soon xx

  17. Hi Jeanie,
    Thanks my sweet :) I'm very surprised you haven't got any of the loose pigments really, you probably should rectify that ;) I finally sent out your nail polish today, sorry for being so slow xx

  18. Guess who's still alive??? Lovely eyes, but then you know I've always been jealous of your brush technique ;) !! Hope you're okay, should have written long ago...will be back soon anyway! xxx

  19. Hello Anna!!!
    I had wondered what had happened to you and had hoped you and your little boy were well. I'm so pleased that we will soon have you back xxx

  20. What a pretty ad classy make up here dear Clare! Love how you've combined the colours! =)

    1. Thank you :) I bet you would love the loose glitter pigments x
