Sunday 25 September 2011

Becca Lost Weekend Part 1

The Becca fall Lost Weekend collection showcases neutral, dusty, earthy tones.
Of the three nail colours, I choose the darkest, Billy Tea (£12). I initially thought it just brown, but it definitely has a taupe vibe to it in real life. The colour is matte.
The formula is free from Formaldehyde, Toluene, Camphor and Di Butyl Phthalate. The polish dries fast and I get no colour fade or dulling of colour, although I do need to wear a top coat to prevent chipping.
Beach Tint Fig (£19), is an existing shade but forms part of the Lost weekend look. This shade is described on the Zuneta site as a Tea Rose nude and that's spot on. The colour is sheer, but I do find it buildable.
What I like about these is that they do not feel drying nor are they greasy. They last very well and cause my acne prone skin no problem.
Finally, here is proof of just how quick my little boy is when he sees the opportunity for some makeup grabbing! I didn't realise how close he was when I was merrily taking my photos, I did get the beach tint off him..eventually..

I bought these from


  1. haha! Love the last picture. My little ones are the same!

  2. I so want to try Fig, I have Raspberry which is lovely and winey, but Fig may just neutralise my red cheeks, love the little hand in the last picture :)

  3. I'm so excited about your nail colour - it's exactly what I want to get, too! I like that Becca passes the harmful ingredients, yay! I'm just concerned cause my nails are pretty small. A darker shade might make them look even more tiny. Looks great on your hands, that's for sure :-)

  4. I have both of these but I still haven't applied Billy Tea, I was shocked to read it's matte. I didn't dealise that at all despite the previous manicure. I'm intrigued to pull it out now!

    I loved that last picture! I often have an audience to my picture taking too - grabby hands!

  5. Haha the last photo is adorable!

    I love Billy Tea on you!

  6. I love the look of the Beach Tint.

  7. hehehe, that pic is so brilliant Replica :))
    sorry for being MIA, but am finishing up dissertation and am scarcely coming up for air these days. one more week though, and I'll be done.
    i got the palette as soon as it got out, but nothing else from the collection. I do love the palette and use it very often, I'll be waiting for your review of it.
    have a great week hon!
    Nina x

  8. Love that last photo, your little boy obviously has great taste. I really love the two Beach Tints that I have and I was thinking about getting Fig but am worried that it might be too light for me. How does the colour compare to the liquid blush in RBR Flamenco Duende duo? I find I have to really apply a lot of that one to get it to show up on me. x

  9. Awww that last pic is SO cute!!! :)))

    Fig looks nice and certainly autumn-appropriate, I think that my Zuneta wishlist is in need of an update!!! ;)


  10. Hey Replica! It's been a while since we spoke here.. I got Billy Tea nail polish too, I love it, its what I wanted Particuliere to look on me. Particuliere ends up looking too brown and dirty on my skintone but Billy Tea has just the hint of mauve/purple to be flattering. Fig looks gorgeous on you, I got the Guava beach tint which is a smidgeon pinker than grapefruit beach tint, also very pretty. I must draw your attention to the two new blushes from the Becca fall collection: Sweet Pea (a rosey mauve) and WIld Honey (bronzey nude).. I got sweet pea and I love it-- looks common in the pan but goes on quite unique. I think you might be able to get away using the Wild Honey shade as a bronzer..

  11. Hi Charlie,
    Glad its not just me then, I have lost quite a lot of makeup to that little man :)

    Hi Jan,
    I do think you would quite like fig, its a shame they don't do a collection of them in mini sizes so we could try them all :)

    Hi Sam,
    Thanks :)Its not too dark, I put on 3 coats but at two its more lighter and still looks good, worth a try :)

    Hi Jane,
    You made me doubt myself, so I had to re-check it ;) it does seem matte on me, no shimmer that I can see.
    I love your grabby hands pic, looming with intent! x

    Hi Vintage Makeup,
    Thanks, I just had to post the pic when I saw it when I was uploading my stuff, I'm surprised it wasn't blurred as he was really quick! :)

    Hi PinkSparkle84,
    It is a really nice, natural wear with anything type of shade :)

    Hi Nina,
    I bet you are counting down the days! Will a makeup haul be on the cards to celebrate when you finish ? ;)
    I'm glad you like the pic x

    Hi Klara,
    I notice my little man seems to go for my more expensive makeup, he must somehow know :)
    Fig is not as warm/peachy as Flamenco Duende, I would say its on par with the pigment level though, perhaps a bit more buidable x

    Hi Tina,
    Thank you, he is a little cutie (most of the time). My wants from Zuneta always seem to be growing :)

    Hi Lakshmi,
    I didn't get Particuliere but did wonder how these would compare, good that the Becca is cheaper as well. I did wonder about the blushers but I find my other Becca ones very pigmented and thought this would just be too warm and too dark on me? Your trying to change me mind aren't you ;) xx
