Friday 30 September 2011

Rouge Bunny Rouge Face Contour 012 Brush

The Rouge Bunny Rouge Face Contour brush (£46) is made with natural squirrel hair.
The hairs are extremely soft, and have a wonderful delicacy about them much like the blusher brush 002. Its an interesting shape, and I don't have a dupe in my collection, its quite short and flat without the typical slanted head of a lot of contour brushes.
It picks up a veil of product and deposits it seamlessly. I don't often contour, but when I do this works really well, and I don't get that obvious stripe mark. This brush also works well for blush application due to its concise shape and also for highlighting.
Here it is in the middle with the RBR powder and blusher brush.
The Rouge Bunny Rouge brushes are luxurious and the face brushes do come at quite a high price, however they are completely worth it in my opinion as I haven't found cheaper brushes that give comparable product laydown/finished look.

Rouge Bunny Rouge are available from

Disclosure: I was sent the Face Contour brush for free.


  1. wow i would never spend that much on a BRUSH! thats a little steep for me...maybe when i have alot of disposable income LOL. good review though!

  2. This is the one I have on my wishlist - it feels sooo soft. Thanks for the review.

  3. Great review! Seeing your picture of the three brushes together makes me REALLY want that blusher brush.
    Jane x

  4. I have the same brush and I'm loving it to death!! It's my favorite brush of all times, sooo soft :-)
    I just collected nuts for the squirrels in my garden btw. Love the little cuties! Hope you're doing great xxx

  5. Oh Replica!!! You are such a temptress! lol I love me a soft brush and this is calling to me.... I just wish the price was a little lower- YIKES! xx

  6. Hi TzeYien89,
    The amount I am prepared to spend on a brush has risen over the years, mind you I have been thinking about trying some Suqqu brushes and the RBR brushes are so much cheaper in comparison :)

    Hi Meeta,
    It is one of those brushes that you ooooh at once you feel it ;)

    Hi Jane,
    Thanks. I am surprised you have restrained yourself thus far ;) x

    Hi Sam,
    It is lovely isn't it.
    Thats nice of you to collect the nuts for the little squirrels, they tend to have a thing about all the bird food my husband puts out, I'm sure they eat it more than the birds :) x

    Hi Jeanie,
    LOL, I don't know what you mean ;) Price wise these are probably a good thing to have in mind when Zuneta do a 20% xx
