Friday 28 October 2011

Dolce & Gabbana Luminous Cheek Colour Rose

I have wanted a D&G blush for a while, unfortunately not the shades that happened to be on the Harrods site. Such was my "need" for one of these I started contemplating the shade Rose, I was very fortunate that makeup magpie helped me out by doing a really useful comparison post of the shade.

The Luminous Cheek Colour (£29) has a smooth texture, however its not got a soft/creamy feel like some brands, I'd actually say it feels on the dryer side and as a result of this I found the colour tended to grab onto my dry skin and I do have to blend more than normal. The colour is a warmed pink rose and it is very pigmented, I apply this very lightly.

The finish is not shimmery, nor does it seem completely matte, it just gives a flush with a hint of a glow. I'd say the wear is average.

Swatched below:Swiped on the left, blended on the right
Whilst I really like the shade it hasn't made me crave any more D&G blushers as I do prefer the texture/application of my By Terry and Rouge Bunny Rouge blushers. I guess this falls under the nice to have but not a must have category.


I bought this from


  1. This actually looks quite similar to Illamasqua Beg though it's possibly not as dark. It's always a pest when you can't get the shades you are after online. Sod's Law isn't it!
    Jane x

  2. Hi Jane,
    Tell me about it, mind you had they had all the shades I would have probabvly ordered about 4! :) x

    Hi Vintage Makeup,
    It is, seems to work well with cool or warm looks :)

  3. Thanks for this review hun. It has somewhat dampened my own urge to own one of these. I'll be looking into their powder foundation instead I think.
    Oh, and I meant to say that I will be looking very much forward to finding out how you get on with your Pai experiment. I'm going to be stocking up very soon on Pai and Stem Organics as I'll be away back home for a couple of months and ned to be prepared.
    Nina x

  4. Hi Nina,
    I think you can give the blush a miss, I've heard great things about their powder foundation.
    So far I am really liking the Pai (really not liking gluten free food though) I have been interested in Stem Organics for a while, what do you recommend from the range? x

  5. I know I'm not Nina but I think you would really like the Stem Organics products if you like the Pai. I've had some small samples to try and have been very impressed with the texture. The serum is very nice. The smell is delicious too!

  6. Hi Jane,
    I hadn't seen this comment as it was sitting in my spam mail, not sure why! I think I am destined to try stem organics at some point, thanks for the serum rec I'll make a note of that x

  7. Yes, the business of my comments going to spam was happening before they disabled my blog. They seemed to be picking up my comments as spam which is why I suspect someone was duplicating my content and making me look like one of these spam bloggers. Charming!

    I will definitely be making a stem organics order in future. It feels lovely to use xx

  8. Hi Jane,
    Its no good is it, I just can't understand some people! I changed over to the short feed after reading what you and Grace was saying, not sure how popular that is for readers though! x

  9. It's hard to say regarding how readers regard it. It's better than not being able to read at all though I suppose if a blog actually gets deleted!

    I noticed we got the same question about 'have we changed to short feed?' this morning. I have a feeling that was actually some kind of spam comment too as the profile is very strange and mine was from an anonymous profile. Maybe we've foiled the sploggers?!

  10. Hi Jane,
    I did think the profile a bit strange but thought that I didn't want to be rude if it was genuine, naive that I am, I just got my husband to look at it and he said he didn't think it for real so I have deleted it. Thanks for telling me you got it too otherwise I'd have been none the wiser! xx
