Wednesday 22 February 2012

SUQQU Creamy Glow Lipstick: #06 Umegasumi #07 Asasuou

I always have something Suqqu on my wish list so when I happened upon a sale on which included some of the Creamy Glow Lipsticks (the sale is still on, though on other shades to the ones I feature here) I bought the two lightest looking shades.
#06 Umegasumi is a slightly warm peachy/pink/beige hybrid
# 07 Asasuou is a warmed rosewood
(These cost me £20.25 each but the normal price is £27 each)

The finish is that of a glow, however the formula seems different to the other two Creamy Glow Lipsticks I have (limited edition shades from Fall 2011). The pigment is much more intense, the formula overly creamy, with more slip, they do not have the balm like feel nor moisturising properties of my other shades.

Swatched below L-R: #06 Umegasumi, #07 Asasuou (this is just two swipes of each shade)
If anyone has both the limited shades and ones from the regular line up I'd be very interested to hear if you have felt this discrepancy, as I'm not sure if this is normal (I did get a GWP in my order of a Becca lip gloss, which had separated and was part oil, part hard/dried up so it did make me wonder as to the storage conditions of the products).
Whilst I like these shades, I much prefer the feel of my other Creamy Glow Lipsticks as I find them much more comfortable, so I can't help but feel disappointed with this purchase.

I have been reliably informed by The Driveller Kate that these are just the regular Creamy Glow formula, and the limited edition shades I have are the Creamy Glow Moist formula, thanks for clearing that up Kate.

I bought these from


  1. Umegasumi looks lovely! Both do actually. Shame they're not as moisturizing though.

    1. Hi Vintage Makeup,
      It is a shame, I had quite a lot of the shades on my wishlist, so I guess money saved :)

  2. Replica: the limited edition shades from last spring (and the forthcoming spring/summer) are actually Creamy Glow MOIST (sorry, I know the M-word is not popular) and an entirely different formula from the 18 permanent shades. I do find them very moisturising, more so than the sheers in fact, but such is the way of makeup :( Such a shame they don't work for you

    1. Hi Kate,
      Thank you so much, I have put an update on my post. I didn't know the other ones I had were a moist range, so it all makes sense now :) I'll have to try and snap up some of the spring/summer collection ones then, that is if they don't sell out in one day x

    2. I hope they'll be releasing some permanent ones in that formula for you :) Also, forgot to say, several makeupalleyers have also reported receiving rancid creams (EF) and dodgy/hard Suqqu e/s from dollyleo. Coupled with your review, I won't be ordering from them!

    3. Thats very interesting that other people have received off items from them, it does put me off ordering from them again I must say!

  3. I got very excited for a moment when you said the offer was still on, but my enthusiasm rapidly vanished! The fact that your GWP had separated suggests the items are past their best. What a shame, as the colours are lovely xx

    1. Hi Jane,
      Looks like we are more suited for the moist range, I'm glad Kate has set me staight, I think because the gloss had gone bad it nautrally made me have suspicions!

  4. I bought the exact same colors (but mine have yet to arrive). Like you, I jumped at the sale. It's too bad they didn't work for you and the lipgloss..yuck.

    1. Hi Charisse,
      Yuck indeed, it went straight in the bin! I hope you like the lipsticks, I do think the colours are really nice :)

  5. I was also look at the same colours and was itching to get them too. I think I'll hold out and wait for new colours to come in, so frustrating that suqqu isn't easily accessible but I think that is why we chase it so.

  6. Hi Jacqueline,
    I think your right there, the more difficult to get the more we want it. I think their spring collection will sell out fast, so I'll have to be quick and order some of the lipsticks from it as soon as :)
