Saturday 7 April 2012

The Beauty Spotlight Team: What's on my dressing table

For this week's Beauty Spotlight, it's my turn, so to see my daily must haves and attempts at organisation, please read on for 'what's on my dressing table.'
Given my reasonable amount of makeup, I work on a rotation basis. In the little drawer box I have some of my lipsticks, eye shadows and blushers/highlighters.
The rest of my makeup is kept in the top drawer of my unit, I have boxes at the front then the rest is in smaller containers behind them (below is just a peak at the first row)
The skincare/body care I currently use consists mostly of Pai, I really do think this is an excellent range for those with sensitive skin. As we are heading towards more sunny weather I bought a new sunscreen to try (Organic Pharmacy) so I'll review that after I've used it for a while.
I have two brush holders - there never seems to be a point at which I have all my brushes clean at the same time so I think I have about 7 missing in the photo. The pot in the middle contains the concealers and liners I reach for the most.
The perfume I am really liking at the moment is Stella McCartney’s L.I.L.Y. Though I don't care for her other fragrance, I find L.I.L.Y a perfect light floral for spring.

The orange box is my morning grab box, this is where I put the bulk of the makeup I'll be using for the week (I rotate the non base products weekly).
In the morning rush this allows me to avoid having to fuss around searching through drawers.

So there you have it, more functional than glamorous, I hope you have enjoyed having a peek at my stash.


  1. Thank you for this peek into your dressing table! I wish I had a dressing table! You'd cringe at my setup! LOL It is so much fun seeing how similar our tastes are and eying all of your pretty, pretty things! I really must try out the Pai skincare. Everyone seems quite pleased with it. Looking forward as well to your sunscreen review. I am always on the hunt for a good one.

    1. Hi PerilouslyPale,
      We do like a lot of the same brands, I'm sure if you posted your set-up/stash, I'd be saying "I want that and that and..." ;)
      Pai really does seem to get a positive reaction and it seems a brand that people are very happy to recommend to all, well worth you giving them a go I think x

  2. I like your setup - so neat and organised! The flower drawers are a lovely print and the purple tin is cute too.

    1. Thanks Meeta :) My little boy thought the purple tin was for him so wasn't impressed when he saw me filling it up with my stuff ;)

  3. That's so organised! I'm going to need to do a massive clean up (and dust!) before it's my turn :D

    1. Hi Grace,
      Thank you, I was thinking it looked a bit over the place so thats good to hear! Though I did use a baby wipe to clean the surface before the photo was taken as I'm not one for dusting either..oh the shame.. ;) x

  4. Oh what a lovely feast for the eyes, everything clean, shiny and neat. I covet your dressing table!! More pots are what I need!!!

    1. Hello Hellsbells34,
      Thank you :) Actually I think I need another brush pot as they look somewhat stuffed in ;)

  5. Wow! If I could be half as organized as you are, I'd be in good shape! I have a similar setup, but the actual makeup is a hot mess, just tossed into the drawers at random (although I have at least separated them into the categories of lips, cheeks, and eyes.) I have GOT to do a clean and purge soon!

    Your dressing table is lovely!

    1. Hi Shannon,
      Thats good that you have items in categories, that way you could organise it in sections rather than doing the whole lot at the same time. I do try and do purges quite often, my mother ends up with a lot of my makeup ;)

  6. I loved this post. I'm a nosy so and so. I like seeing how others organise. I like the idea of rotating non base products. It helps u get through stuff you have.

    1. Hi Imo,
      Glad that you liked it :) I'm very nosy so its not just you ;)
      Yes rotating is a must for me, I can't bear having things sitting there not getting used x

  7. Wow, I love the pink floral storage unit! Where is it from please? xx

    1. Hi Courtney,
      Its from Cath Kidston,

      It is a really useful size :)

  8. I envy your neatness. I'm so out of control and I need to take lessons from you!

    1. Thank you Marcia, now if only the rest of my house was neat ;)

  9. I like your system of rotating products. I started doing this and it is so helpful to get some use out of those products that would otherwise stay hidden away in a drawer somewhere! :)

    1. Hi Makeup Magpie,
      Yes, I did tend to grab the same things all the time so rotation works the best for me, otherwise I'd probably be wearing a taupe everyday ;)

  10. Thank you for the lovely peek! What a fantastic collection you have! I'm drooling over all of your RBR! I wish my stash was that organized and tidy!!

    1. Hi Lola,
      Thank you :) I do love my RBR, I recently got their two new matte eyeshadows so will have to review them soon :)

  11. No lovely to see all those organic/natural products. Also I cannot wait to see your review of the SPF50 from the organic pharmacy. x x

    1. Hi danltj,
      You know its typical that as soon as I buy a new sunscreen the sun seems to have gone away! ;) x

  12. Wow! Thats organisation!! I am a MUA and although my pro kit is beautifully organised and compartmentalised, my personal one is another matter... :)

    1. Thank you very much, I don't think of my makeup being that organised so thats good to hear :)

  13. Thanks so much for sharing this with us Replica!
    Your organisational skills are rivaled only by your blending ones :)))
    I love posts like this, not only because they give me ideas, but also be because of the sheer pleasure of peeking into someone's collection.
    I hope you are having a mashing Easter holiday my dear!
    Nina xxxx

    1. Hello Nina,
      You always say the nicest things :)
      I love having a peek at other peoples collections as well, would love to have a look at yours, bet I'd be jealous at all the lovelies ;)
      Hope you had a good Easter as well, I really made myself feel sick with all the chocolate though! xxxx

  14. I'm trying to do a weekly product rotation, but I have such product ADD that I end up using everything except what I've set aside for myself :P

    1. I know what you mean, its so easy to get sidetracked by other things, especially if its new buys :)

  15. Thanks very much Flyavsted :)

  16. Hi Replica,
    It's so good to see your dressing table. I agree with u that we should rotate our make up otherwise we might forget what we have :p

  17. Hi Memoiselle,
    Glad you liked the post. Your right about forgetting what we have, mind you a few months back I did buy a Chanel Rouge Allure, only to get home and find I already had it, opps! :)
