Sunday 8 July 2012

Rouge Bunny Rouge Original Skin Blush:Orpheline

Orpheline (£25) is a departure from my normal blush shades as I tend to go for more subtle peaches, pinks and beiges.

I rarely go for brighter toned blushers as my skin has a lot of discolouration and brighter tones tend to heighten it. Orpheline is one bright I will be keeping as it does not look ruddy on. Its a healthy strawberry pink that applies with a satin finish.
Swatched below: Two swipes on the left and one swipe blended in on the right
Swatched below with my other RBR blushers L-R:Orpheline,Delicata,Gracili,Starina
 One of the biggest attributes of RBR blushers is that the colours never apply patchy, they also have a beautiful smooth texture, great pigment and good wear time. RBR are easily one of my favourite brands for blush and I am very glad I have added Orpheline to my collection.

I bought this from


  1. I'm really drawn to the colour as it looks so beautiful but I'm certain it would accentuate the high colour in my cheeks. I still have my eye on Gracilis xx

    1. Hi Jane,
      I do think Gracilis would have a nice place in your collectiin :)
      I have quite a lot of redness on my face and Orpheline doesn't add to it, I can see your point though, we could do with living nearer each other really as you could borrow all my stuff to try! xx

  2. I love Orpheline! I still can't believe I haven't ordered Gracilis yet! The wants never end...

    1. Hi Perilously Pale,
      I am really pleased as I was a bit worried it would look too much. Well you might just have to pop Gracilis in your basket next time you do an order ;)

  3. What a fantastic shade and review, Replica! Orpheline is so rich and vibrant-- I worry that it might be a touch too warm on me, but I'm tempted to try it! Jane and Christa- I'm actually surprised that neither of you have Gracilis in your collections!! It's a perfect shade for both of you!!

    1. Hi Lola,
      Thank you :) It does have some warmth to it but not in a clashing with cool skin way if you get what I mean :) I really hope they add to their blush range as I really think its a great formula x
