Sunday 2 September 2012

By Terry Fall Luxuriant collection: ROUGE TERRYBLY

The By Terry fall luxuriant collection is very much about saturated, rich colours. There are 5 new shades in the Rouge Terrybly lipstick, 3 new shades of Ombre Blackstar, 3 new Nail Laque Terrybly and a Bordeaux colour in the Mascara Terrybly. For more details check out these great posts on makeupandthings, here and here.

As I don't have the budget to buy as many By Terry products as I would like I settled on the Rouge Terrybly in No.403 Bare Instinct (£31). I have a few of these lipsticks now and I find them a very reliable formula that provides extremely smooth coverage with rich pigment and long wear (though I don't find them that moisturising).
Bare Instinct is described as a rosewood, however on me its a cranberry red.

I'm always searching for a wearable red and think I might have found it.  Though the colour is actually deeper and more intense than I had imagine, it is wearable and I am able to wear it out in the real word (I usually feel uncomfortable going out with bolder, high impact lip shades).

I always find deeper colours are prone to bleeding and I do think you need a lip liner or to apply with a lip brush to ensure a crisp line with this, I applied it from the tube below and you can see its not that neat on the edges (apologies for my blotchy skin, I'm re-introducing gluten into my diet and have a reaction every time I eat a bit of bread).

It is a statement  colour on my pale skin but unlike a lot of reds it does not look garish, warm, or too bright.


I bought this from


  1. I love this colour, how odd that they describe it as rosewood as it's definitely a red. What kind of eyeshadow looks do you like to go for when you wear bolder lips? xx

    1. Hi Jane,
      I think this colour would work really well on you :) I just wear a champagne/beige shade on the lid (nothing in the crease) and pleny of black liner on the top lid and that seems to keep the look balanced xx

  2. Replies
    1. Hi,
      Its not my norm but I do really like it :)

  3. Replies
    1. I think its the best red I have found so far :)

  4. Replica, this looks great on you. Don't worry about the skin my dear, it is not obvious.

    1. Thanks Jacqueline :) Glad it doesn't look too bad, things always look worse as my paleness makes spots and such more noticable x

  5. That "Terrybly" carving looks unique! This red looks gorgeous on your skin. It matches well.

    1. Hi memoiselle,
      Thank you :) I do really like the design on the lipstick, still at this price it should be good :)

  6. This colour looks super on you, a really flattering cool red. Perfect :)

    1. Thanks Jan :) Its taken me a lot of red lipsticks to find one that works, I should stop now I think x

  7. Can't believe this applies so differently on you!! I'm feeling tempted to buy just to compare lol it looked so muted on my skin! But this is a very flattering colour on you, very pretty xx

  8. Hi Ana,
    I did check the label a few times to make sure I got the right one :) Its interesting how things can show up so different on skintones, I guess my paleness makes everything a bit more vivid. Thanks for the compliment, I really do like this shade xx
