Sunday 23 September 2012

Omorovicza Thermal Cleansing Balm & Deep Cleansing Mask

The deep cleaning mask (£57) is a real get you out of trouble mask. If my skin is breaking out and just generally looking congested this mask it what I reach for. I put on a thick layer and leave for 15 minutes, the white clay makes the pores look clean, and the Hungarian moor mud gives a deep cleanse.
Best of it it does not leave the skin tight/dry nor red, instead the skin looks calmer, brighter and feels smooth. I was slightly concerned by the initial tingling feeling, I know a lot of people seem to say that it means its working but for me tingly means its irritating, so I have been very surprised to have got such great results from this with no irritation.

 After trying sample sizes in the Essentials set, I had to buy the full size of the cleanser (£46). Its a black balm that melts into an oil when applied to the skin. I just use wet cotton pads to remove and it comes away easily. Skin is left very moisturised but without a greasy residue. It does not strip the skin but leaves it feeling very soft. It dissolves makeup well including mascara. The only downside for me is the price, as I get through the full size in just over a month.

I bought the cleanser from and the mask was a gift with purchase, its well worth signing up to their site as they have very good monthly offers.


  1. Great review Clare!

    I love the Omorovicza Cleansing Balm however like you i find it runs out too quickly. I wish they did this in a larger size say 150ml would be better.
    I really like the mask too but I much prefer The Organic Pharmacy Flower Petal Mask as I just get better results. However the mask is a mask I always return too, I bought at least one pot once a year since 2006 when Omorovicza launched.

    You've tried so many Omorovicza products now, I was just wondering, did you find out about Omorovicza through me?

    Best wishes,


    1. Hi Danny,
      A larger size would be good, glad its not just me who gets through it so quicky.
      I first got into the brand after your rec for the BB cream so you set me on the path :) x

  2. I've made a list of Omorovicza products I want to try, those two are also on it... glad to learn you love them... now I need to save up to buy them :)

    1. Hi Lucy,
      What other products are on your list? I'm thinking of trying one of their eye creams next, like you I'll need to start saving up :)

  3. I've been wanting to try the cleansing balm since I saw it on the Sephora site many months back. It's over $100 in the states...that's pretty pricey for only lasting a month!! But if it really is that good I still want to try it :-) I'll have to keep an eye on the company site to score a good deal! Thanks for the review!

    1. Hi Gummy,
      If money didn't matter it would be my cleanser of choice. Yes, well worth keeping an eye on their site, I keep a list at the ready so when they have a good offer I'm good to go ;)
