Sunday 21 October 2012

By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra Powder

By Terry brought out a Hydra primer and powder this year. The powder's Micronized Hyaluronic Acid is meant to fill "wrinkles, pores and imperfections to leave the skin even and flawless" whilst the "Silica microbreads prevents shine in target areas with no drying effect and corrects imperfections with a matte invisible finish".
Pores are a major problem for me so the description and my trust in By Terry's formula's sold me on this.

The powder (£41) comes packaged in a plastic sifter jar. The powder is so finely milled it literally floats up into the air when you dispense the product. Due to this light texture it is worth being careful as it floods out of the holes. The powder does have a strong white cast but this seems to disappear once its worked in (though my skin is very pale so worth noting for those with darker skin).

The powder really does glide onto the skin, it feels akin to a heavy silicone formula in that the area feels incredibly smooth to the touch. The problem I found is that I cannot apply product over this, the area is just so smooth that blusher/highlighters do not apply well as there is nothing to adhere to. I've also tried using this under foundation but again application over this is a problem, the differing textures just don't seem to work together.
Swatched below:

For me this does soften discolouration slightly and sets make-up for around 5 hours. My skin is predominately dry, but I do get bad shine on the T-zone, and I did not feel this looked dry (unless placed on uneven dry patches in which case I found this does highlight them) and it does obliterate shine extremely well and prevent anymore appearing.
Where this falls down is with its claims for covering pores. Sorry but no, it ever so slightly reduces them as much as any other powder, no more.
This is the first By Terry product where I feel disappointed by the formula, the slickness of it makes it difficult to work with in terms of applying other products and it just didn't live up to its claims to "fill" pores.
So overall whilst I do think this is a great powder for shine control (without giving an unflattering finish), it really did not offer anything more beyond this and at this price I do have higher expectations.

I bought this from


  1. Thanks so much for your thoughts on this R, I am wondering whether to purchase but having had a bit of a mixed bag with By Terry products I am not so sure.

    1. Hi Jan,
      If you want a powder just for oil control then this is worth a look but otherwise I'd say to save your money x

  2. This tempted me last time I was in Space NK but I resisted the urge, now I'm thinking I should have got it.
    Actually there should be a 20% off code coming out soon for Space NK, might get it then!

    1. Hello,
      Ooooh I hope there is a 20% off soon, I have a VERY long SpacenK list ;)

  3. Have to chime in here: "no drying effect" my arse -- the back of the hand I swatched this on literally cracked open an hour later. Hydra powder indeed *hisses*

    1. now I am sensing you didn't like it... ;)

    2. hehe, you know me, ALWAYS understated ;D

  4. I think the idea of this product is pretty good. However it is sad that this does not works for you. I am always reluctant to buy By Terry product as they are very expensive.

    1. Hi Memoiselle,
      I do wish I'd spent the money elsewhere, a shame as I do really like all the other By Terry products I've tried.

  5. It is a good powder for shine control :)
