Sunday 28 October 2012

Hourglass Eyeshadow Duo Gypsy

The Gypsy duo (£28) features a champagne and a rich, warm coppered brown. Both shades are gently shimmered.

The quality of Hourglass eyeshadows is pretty much flawless; they feel silky smooth, have great pigmentation, blend and last well with no creasing. I only wish they would bring out some more shades.

The duo is packaged in a mirrored compact with a 360° swivel top.
Apart from my liner I used the little brush that comes with the shadows to apply for the look below and I think it does quite a good job, its a nice change to have the included brush actually usable and non scratchy.

Though I was initially worried this would be too warm for me, I find it very flattering.

The Gypsy duo gives you a basic colour combination done to perfection.

I bought this from


  1. Very pretty on you! I can't get enough of basic neutrals. I have had my eye on HG e/s for so long.

    1. Hi Rola,
      Thank you :) They really do make lovely eyeshadows, perhaps you could put one on your Christmas list :)

  2. It looks great on you, I love it! xx

  3. Very beautiful Replica. I saw them at Sephora but didn't think much of them because the colour selection was a little bland. But the pigmentation looks fantastic. This is one of those hidden gems that don't look very interesting but does a great job of enhancing the eyes.

    1. Hi Jacqueline,
      I think you are right about them being hidden gems, I do hope they come out with some more shades as the formula is really lovely x

  4. This looks like such a great everyday combination, but I've held off getting it, since I wonder if it isn't too similar to my Chanel Sable Emouvante to warrant owning both. Still, it's tempting.

    1. Hi Kate,
      I found the lighter shade in Sable Emouvante pulls much warmer than the one in this and also the Hourglass darker shade is more coppery, the pigment of Hourglass I find better than the Chanel, so I think you should remain tempted ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All the Hourglass duos look lovely to me. Yet to make a purchase though.

    I wish I was as skilful as you at applying eye colour. My attempts at applying different colours always end up blended into one murky mess.

    1. Hi stiperstones,
      Thank you for such a lovely comment, I really think my application needs improvement though, I think a lot of brands make shadows too soft and that can give a murky mess however much you try to work with it so I am sure its not you x

  7. The swatch looks very buttery and well pigmented. I like how you do your EOTD, very neat and natural.

    1. Hi memoiselle,
      Thank you, I'm glad you thought it neat :) The pigment is so good on their shadows, I think the brand is really underated.

  8. This is stunning on you! I love how butter smooth and pigmented Hourglass eyeshadows are! :-)

    1. Thank you my dear :) They are really nice aren't they, I really hope we see some more shades from them in the future x

  9. Love the Hourglass duos. This is one of my favorites - it looks great on you!

  10. Thank you :) Everytime I wear one of their duos I think to myself I really should get some more of these x
