Sunday 14 October 2012

Rouge Bunny Rouge Umber Firefinch and Unforgettable Oriole

If there's one thing I'm consistent with its my buying of Rouge Bunny Rouge, oh the travesty were I not to buy something at least once a month from this beautifully whimsical brand.

I finally got round to buying Umber Firefinch which is one of the new shades that comes in the refill format only.

Its a satin finish cool toned medium brown. I find cool browns hard to come by so am really pleased with this. Unforgettable Oriole is a shade both available in a single eye-shadow compact or a refill (£16 for a refill).

Its one of the metallic finish shades so expect a high iridescent/shimmer finish. Its a cream gold that manages to not be overly warm; a welcomed attribute as there are not many golden type shades I can wear on my cool toned skin.

Swatched below with some other RBR shades.
L-R Blackpepper Jay,Umber Firefinch,Bejewelled Skylark.

L-R: Golden Rhea,Unforgettable Oriole, Embrace of Cashmere Loose pigment

Both shades feel smooth, have great pigmentation,blend perfectly and last well. RBR remains one of my favourite eye-shadow brands and one I feel happy to recommend or buy as gifts for others.

I really hope that RBR release all their shades in the pan version as I have hit pan on quite a few now and do find a palette system allows for better storage and organisation.

I bought these from


  1. Some day I shall own every single RBR shade. I'll probably be broke, but I shall own them all. Thanks for reminding me of these ones... I've not purchased enough of their brown/ gold/ neutral shades.

    1. Hi Kate,
      I share the need to one day own them all :)
      I think these are great shades to have in your collection.

  2. I'm so pleased you have Umber Firefinch and like it. It's definitely one of my favourites and you have inspired me to use it tomorrow.

    I haven't bought any new RBR for a while. I keep looking at the more colourful eyeshadows and blusher. I probably should have just gone for it during the summer as it seems harder to justify 'colour' at the time of year!! xx

    1. Hi Jane,
      I knew if you liked UF then I would :)
      I'm hoping they bring out all the shades in the pan version and then I'll buy others on my list, they do have some nice colourful shades like you say, there is a vibrant blue I have my eye on :) xx

  3. I love golden and champagne shades on my eyes. Umber Firefinch is gorgeous!

    1. Hi Rola,
      I really like the pairing as well and will have to use it more :)

  4. I am glad I already own those, otherwose I would be tempted to get them. I wish all shades would come as a refill though / Claire

    1. Hi Claire,
      Yes I do hope they bring out the other shades in refills as well, mind you could probably do with them bringing out some 6 pan palettes as well :)

  5. Ahh I want some Rouge Bunny Rouge! You seem to like RBR a lot :) This palette is very pretty! I love neutral shades so much :)

    1. Hi memoiselle,
      RBR are one of my favourite brands, all the shadows are just so wearable :)

  6. Replies
    1. LOL, I'll assume thats a like ;) xx

    2. A correct assumption!! I would emphatically say I LOVE it!!
