Wednesday 23 January 2013

RMS Beauty ‘Un' Powder

The organic colour care line RMS has released their first powder (£28). It is free of talc, parabens, and perfumes and its only ingredient is “spherically cut” silica.

Its feels very finely milled and  has a soft and silky texture. It feels lightweight and though it gives a matte look it does not look over made up.  It completely cuts out any shine and holds strong throughout the majority of the day.

It comes in one shade, which has a white cast on initial contact but once worked into the skin is transparent.

Like the majority of powders It will highlight dry areas so I tend to use a muslin cloth prior to doing my makeup if I do have any dry/non smooth patches. My sensitive skin tends to react to the majority of powders (either they break me out or make me go really blotchy) so I am very pleased to have had no reaction to this.

For me this is my current go to powder as it does not upset my skin and does what its supposed to.

I bought this from


  1. I have no idea why it irks me, but I'm starting to get a little sick of this "Un" thing that RMS has got going on. That said, this sounds like a good, natural alternative to MUFE HD.

  2. I've not tried the MUFE but have heard a lot of good things about it. I do really like this RMS powder and feel happy to not look for other powders now :)

  3. Hi Claire,

    Great review. I was looking at this 'Un Powder' and then realised it was incredibly basic as it is made up of only silica. I think it's a shame that RMS didn't add at least something else to it to make it a bit more advanced although I am still curious to try it. I've nearly finished my Organic Glam Photofinish antioxidant pressed powder so I might try this next. My only concern is that I have quite dry skin and a bit worried it may dry my skin out - what do you think?

    Danny x

  4. Hi Danny,
    Thanks :) My skin is dry as well and I do have to prep well first to be able to wear this, I'm not sure if this would be the best for you as though I do not find it drying its suitabilty for my dry skin is like other good quality powders, what I like most about this was how it cut out any shine and didn't cause my skin to react x
