Wednesday 20 March 2013

Kevyn Aucoin: The Eye Shadow Duo

The Kevyn Aucoin brand released new eyeshadows duos near the end of last year. Though I thought they looked interesting, I have only have one palette from the brand, which whilst nice, did not wow me and as I saw very little coverage of the new duos I quickly forgot about them.

The packaging is very streamlined/minimal, and has the signature gold edged push-latch compact. The lid contains a mirror and I am pleased it does not come with the normal throw away applicators that most brands love to include, as I find them a waste of space.

This duo, which is numbered #201(£34), contains a very smoky silver/grey and burgundy/plum, both have a subtle shimmer. These are not normally the colours I go for as this was a present from my husband who choose this himself, but they do create a quick and foolproof smoky eye.

The shadows feel very soft and are highly pigmented, they go on very smoothly and blend nicely together. With an eye base I get no creasing nor colour fade.

Overall thumbs up and I will be perusing the other shades on offer.

My husband bought me this from Space NK


  1. I'm going to a store today that has KA...will need to check these duos out!! Totally agree on the applicators being a waste of space!! I wish more companies would just leave them out - would be nice to have the smaller, more portable compacts not to mention NOT adding to my bag full of useless applicators!

    1. Glad to hear you are not a fan of the applicators, I think the Dior quints that have them annoy me the most.
      I'm trying to decide which KA duo to get next so will be interested to see if you pick any up :)

  2. I am so glad you reviewed this , I love KA but wasnt too wowed by these . I think they need to lower their price point a bit

    I need to maybe give these another look

    1. I can see what you mean about the price, guess it works out cheaper than getting two of the singles though..see my thinking... ;)

  3. This reminds me of one of the Hourglass duos! Exhibition or Gypsy maybe? Not sure, I don't actually own one. Are they comparable at all?

    1. Perhaps exhibition, though that is more of a mauve/plum compaired to the KA, so different enough to own both, though I prefer the Hourglass texture slightly more.

  4. Ooh, this is a really lovely pairing. Well done Mr VB :D x

    1. I was rather impressed by the choice, of course I now have high expectations for future presents ;) xx

  5. that silver grey is impressive with that perfect velvety texture and leaning slightly mauve

    1. It is a lovely grey and I don't have one like it :)

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, they do work well with blue eyes, mind you I think the burgundy/plum would look nice against most eye shades :)

  7. Oh it's a yayness to hear that you like this product! The packaging looks simple but elegant. I think I need Kevyn Aucoin product in my stash soon :)

    1. I do really like how streamlined the packaging is. I don't do too well with KA usually so was pleased this was a winner :)

  8. They look really lovely. I've never tried any Kevyn Aucoin makeup. Good choice hubby!!!
    S xx

    1. Hi Sara,
      I was very pleased with his choice, considering it could have gone very wrong :)

  9. The shades are so beautiful! <33 I have never tried anything from Kevyn Aucoin but this duo really caught my eye! Great post!!

    I am having an International Giveaway on my blog and I'd love it if you enter! :))


  10. Thanks Rosy and thanks for the heads up on the giveaway :)
