Wednesday 19 June 2013

SUQQU Blend Colur Eyeshadow 04 Keshizumi

There has been mention that Suqqu are discontinuing some of the colour blend eyeshadows from the regular line up, so I bought Keshizumi (£45) which had been a long time member of my makeup wish-list.

Suqqu shadows are densely packed, they feel smooth (the mattes are a tad dryer to the touch) and are incredible lightweight with no fall out.

The palette contains a shimmer silver, shimmery taupe, matte white and a dark matte plum brown.
The shimmer is subtle so it never looks over done. Suqqu excel at creating refined, elegant colour options.

Pictured below, I used the brushes that came with the palette for application so its not quite as blended as I would normally choose but it shows they are usable.

From what I have tried of recent seasonal eyeshadow quad releases (2012 onwards) there is a difference in texture to the regular line up, they are more creamy in feel and more pigmented. I don't have a preference as such but its worth bearing in mind if you are use to the newer formula.

I bought this from


  1. Such a stunning color combination, I must check it out. Do they still sell it? Which colors will be discontinued?

    1. Hi Sara,
      Its still at counters from what I have heard and is online at Selfridges, I think they are getting rid of the quads 1-6, bet this would look great on you :)

  2. Gorgeous palette Replica. I'm holding off buying any more Suqqu quads until I see something different. Is it just me or what but after a while the colours look kinda similar.

    1. Hi,
      I'm trying to hold off buying the summer quad, but feel very tempted :)
      I guess they tend to stick to the same format of base shade, liner and then two shimmers most of the time.

  3. It's hard to choose, but Keshizumi is my absolute favorite Suqqu quad. These colors look very pigmented on you!! I do agree that the texture of these old quads can be off putting for some people. I just adore how these colors look layered; they are so complex and sophisticated! <33

    1. I did think the pigment was quite good on this one, I do really like the colours in this, but don't think it looks the best on me, can't quite place why.
      Your right about Suuqu doing good layering colours :)

  4. I'd love a Suqqu palette but the cost is so high for us in the US. Just gorgeous though.

    1. I bet there would be quite a few you would like Marcia, I'll never understand why Suqqu don't have at least an online presence for the US market as I think they would do really well.

  5. Hi Replica,
    My hearts beats faster when I see a post on Suqqu product. I think Suqqu's eyeshadow shades are pretty similar to one another. However it's always a pleasure to own more :p

    1. The do seem to turn out similar shades, though still love them :) The fall collection photos looks quite interesting though, seem to have a bright accent in the shadows :)
