Sunday 1 December 2013

Nuit Infinie De Chanel Holiday: Accent Joues Contraste Powder Blush & Fatal Illusion d’Ombre Long-Wear Eyeshadow

The Chanel Accent Joues Contraste Powder Blush (£31) looks more of a rosy brown with noticeable silver sparkle as opposed to its "luminous pink beige" description.

Swatching this on myself and the SA who was darker with a warmer tone, the shade was quite different. On the SA it went on a mauve rose brown whereas on me it goes on more of a rust/sienna colour. Applying too much it can look a bit dirty and can make me skin look ruddy, though I do like the warmth and somewhat contoured look it creates, its quite an unusual colour in some respects.
Swatched below twice and them blended in,

The texture feels smooth albeit slightly powdery and dry. It has very good pigmentation and a long lasting wear. I wouldn't say this applies effortlessly and do have to make sure I blend/buff the edges in well.

 Chanel Fatal (£23) Illusion d’Ombre is a plummy burgundy with a silver shimmer, though applied I find this has a cranberry edge.

Its very pigmented and has a metallic finish, not an every day shade for me. The texture is creamy and soft, and it applies smooth and lasts the day with no creasing as long as I use an eye primer.

This is one of those time where though I really like the colours, they are not particularity flattering on me, Accent I think would suit those with a darker skintone and less cool in tone than myself and Fatal gives me that tired look.

All in all I have not done too well with this years Chanel holiday collection, the majority seem to love it but the collection certainly isn't ticking the boxes for me.

I bought these from Boots.


  1. Aww I'm sorry to hear these aren't winners for you, either! While I need to conceal thoroughly when I wear Fatal, Accent is effortlessly flattering on me. I don't even have the impression that I have to blend carefully, either. But then again we can't love everything! I hope you've had more success with other collections this year :)

    1. It might be my dry skin that makes Accent not blend quite as easily as I would like. Its a shame as I do really love both colours, just not on me ;)

  2. Oh so sorry! Have you tried Fatal with an accent color. I use Dior Velvet and they complement each other very nicely and don't make me look tired. I have green eyes and although Fatal is a nice complement it remains a tricky color. I still haven't made up my mind about Accent. I just might pass since I got Crazy Terracotta which acts as a nice flattering blush on me. :)

    1. I think I do need to pair Fatal with another colour, I'll look into a similar shade to velvet, thanks for the rec :)
      I'm very tempted by the Crazy Terracotta myself, I am sure I'll give it to it soon :)

  3. I absolutely agree with you about Accent -- on pale skins like ours there's nothing to 'absorb' the brown tones and let the rose/pinky notes shine through.
    I plumped for Initiation over Fatale as the sparklier texture is more flattering on me than metallic. Am a fan of the reddish tone against your blue eyes, though! Maybe using it as an accent it with cooler lavender greys / blues shades would help make it more wearable?

    1. I did ponder that Accent might not be the best choice for me, of course common sense seems to leave me when staring at new shiny makeup...
      I think I should have gone for Initiation instead, I might well pick that one up, it might pair quite nicely with Fatale if I layer it over.
      That's interesting about using a lavender grey / blue, I'll give that a go :)

  4. Ahh you have such great taste-I have also bought both of these! I am pale too and sometimes worry that Accent is a little muddy on me. I think Fatal suits you tho!

    Stacey Expat Make-Up Addict

    1. Thanks, I think we go for quite similar shades :)
      I should have known really that accent wouldn't be right for me, I just couldn't fight the urge ;)

  5. Oh well, you can't win them all I guess - though I suspect that with some layering both products could be salvaged!
    As for Fatal, even though it's calling my name, I'll probably pass: those products literally evaporate after a few months! I've never experienced this with any other product, even drugstore ones!!!! :/

    1. I think layering will be the key to get wear out of these for me :) Thats not good about them evaporating, I'll have to keep an eye on mine!!

  6. Oh Clare, I'm so sorry that you didn't like your Chanel buys this time around. Boo! You must be so disappointed. Fatale looks nice on your eye lids as far as I can tell but I can't do reddish plums either.

    1. Thanks, I should have known that I don't do reddish plums either, oh well c'est la vie and all that ;)

  7. yes I agree with you, Clare. Accent blush is a very pretty color but I need to make sure that don't apply too much of this as it will make me look muddy.
    I didn't pick up fatale as I feel that initiation suits me much better.
