Sunday 16 November 2014

Dior 5 Couleurs palette: Montaigne

I wasn't entirely enthralled with the reinvented/reformulated 5 Couleurs palette from Dior in Versailles, finding it too shimmery/frosty, so this time I picked up Montaigne (£42) which looked like a good mix of everyday neutrals.

It contains a satin light pinky peach with a golden sheen, matte yellow toned cream, satin medium/deep brown, satin beige/brown and in the centre a matte warm tan. The only shade I find too warm is the centre shade.

Performance wise I'm not won over by this, I have dry lids and find these shades are prone to highlighting the dryness and they don't blend as easily as I would like. There is a slight stiffness in application which results in noticeable edges rather than a soft gradient.

Shown below you can see the hard edges (I used a Mac 217 to blend). The shadows feel quite smooth and silky, with pigmentation on the subtle side. Whilst these don't crease I do find that even with a base they do fade a bit.

In terms of the finished look I think the colours are great to enhance eyes rather than providing a lot of noticeable colour. However, the blending is an issue for me, and whilst I can get cleaner edges with very careful colour build up and using a more fluffy blending brush (like the Edward Bess Luxury eye brush)  I think that for this price range I shouldn't have to go to great lengths to get the best out of the product, it should just perform well.

I bought this from John Lewis.


  1. Aww I'm really sorry this is not a stellar palette for you! It looks like a great everyday basic palette, but if it's hard to blend, then it most probably isn't. I am puzzled by Dior's recent reformulation effort. I didn't have issues with their older quints, and I don't have issues with the newer ones I own (with the exception of Golden Shock. I am gutted). However, the new ones don't exactly feel improved, and I've heard so much negative feedback about them :(

    1. Such a shame about golden shock as I had my eye on that one. I don't really get the reformulation either, seems the shimmery finishes are the same they were before but the mattes/satins are more differcult to work with. At least with Chanel's and YSL shadow reformulation you can really tell the difference.

  2. Hi dear Clare! What a lovely palette! I have seen the new Dior palettes 2014 collection...they're sooo beautiful...I'd like to buy all of them, really! What a shame for the question of the blendability...! If I'll try something I'll let you know my opinion =)

    1. I'd be interested to know what you think of them, there are some really nice colour combinations but I do feel the formula of certain finishes is not very good given the price

  3. I saw this in a gift set with a DiorShow, but it was miniscule! I swear the palette wasn't more than an inch square, it was soooooo cute. Three of hte shadows were taken out though, so I didn't get a chance to check out the shades til now.

    Speaking of the Ed Bess luxury eye brush, I haven't seen mine in a while...need to go find that ASAP!

    1. I've seen that mascara set as well, very cute though couldn't use it wit a large brush head :)
      Yes, get your Ed Bess brush out, I use mine so much for shadows and also concealer and under eye powder, I was thinking I should pick up another one :)

  4. I read a review today of one of the new quints and she seemed to agree with you. Dior can easily knock it out of the park but sometimes they have a lot of foul balls. It looks great on you though.

    1. Thanks Marcia. I am disappointed with the new quints so far, they just don't seem that much improved over the older style ones, though the packaging is better as its less bulky. I was very tempted by the Peter Phillips one that seems exclusive to Selfridges but not sure I'll take the risk.

  5. Why have Dior done this to us and changed the formula so much?? The old one was amazing!!

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx

    1. I don't really understand the change and I think there are quite a few negative reviews with the new quints, maybe thnigs will change with Peter Philips being invloved though don't think his first seasonal collection will be out for a while x

  6. What a shame that the quality of the shadows are subpar. These colors look so lovely on you!

    1. Thank you, I think the colours would work on a lot of skintones, but yes the formula needs to be better, I'm glad I didn't buy lots of the new palettes at the same time :)

  7. I sometimes feel quite underwhelmed by Dior palettes. It is a pity this did not work out for you as well.

    1. Yes, underwhelmed is the right word for it, if I could have these colours in the new Chanel formula that would have been much better :)
