Sunday 16 August 2015

Chanel Fall 2015 Les Automnales: Rouge Coco Shine Temeraire & Melancolie

The sunny days are becoming few and far between and the ever darker mornings signal the approach of Autumn. I love the colours of typical Autumnal collections but often they don't work for my colouring. Chanel's Les Automnales, however, seems to have incorporated a good array of colours, so whilst there is the expected earthy, rusty and khaki elements we also have some more neutrals and reds in the mix.

My hands immediately made a grab for the two Coco Shines (both £25 each), the shades are quite interesting, they almost look metallic in the tube. Melancolie #99 is a rusty bronze beige with gold shimmer/micro glitter

Téméraire #112 is a deep ruby red with subtle golden shimmer (this is one of the "colour" lipshines, as opposed to the "sheer" lipshines so it's more pigmented).

The lipsticks feel lightweight and comfortable to wear, Melancolie has more slip to it and has a shorter wear (around 2 hours on me) whereas Téméraire leaves a stain and wears for around 4 hours.

One thing I would mention is that after amassing a lot of Coco Shines I found that they turned after about a year, I therefore limit how many I buy now but these two shades are interesting enough that I am happy to have bought them, Melancolie is great for that soft warm lip and Téméraire is a striking vampy shade.

I bought these from Boots.


  1. Téméraire looks more like my thing, but I bet Melacolie looks great on you! Sorry to hear about your Rouge Coco Shines going bad! I haven't had that happen yet and I am hoping they'll stay good for longer than that...

    1. I can totally see you in Téméraire! It is a shame a lot of my Rouge Cocos went bad, as I had a lot of them, not sure why as its not like I stored them in too hot or cold a place.

  2. Did you mean turned bad after a year? Sorry, I did not understand the sentence. I have some Coco Shines for several years (3-4), all of them are just as new.

    1. Hi Jane, by turned I meant seemed to go off in terms of how they smelt.

  3. Hi dear Clare! Between the two I prefer Temeraire, it's an interesting deep colour! I have to try Chanel lipsticks too. During my holydays I bought a Shiseido lipstick but I'm super dries a lot my lips and the lasting time ...approximately zero...!!! Sob..
    Hope you'll have a serene and relaxing week end,

    1. Temeraire is such a lovely shade, deeper than I normally wear though, actually both shades look nice worn together.
      I've not tried a Shiseido lipstick, that sounds really bad, think I'll leave those alone, sorry that you had a wasted buy.
