Sunday 18 October 2015

The New Reformulated Dior Addict Lipsticks: Bright & True

The new Dior Addict lipstick relaunched for this Fall come in three finishes, Glow (which contains a subtle pearly shine), Flash (pure, accented colour) and Glitter (containing iridescent shimmer/glitter). I wanted to buy one from each finish but the Black Tie I wanted from the Flash finish was sold out everywhere.
The lipstick case has been updated and now has a magnet fitting so that the lipstick clicks in when sliding into the tube.

Bright #260 (from the Glitter range) is a slightly milky pale pink with a heavy does of silver micro glitter. The coolness and silver hue from the glitter doesn't really suit me but I was pleased that for a glitter finish the texture was smooth.
True #722 (from the Glow range) is a very flattering rosewood with a shine/glow finish.

The reformulated formula has a hydra-gel core throughout the length of the bullet and is meant to deliver a top coat effect for sensational mirror shine. I quite liked the previous Addicts and have to admit that the new incarnation does not seem so dissimilar. They feel lightweight and are hydrating, wear for around 3 hours and give a shiny finish. The most noticeable differences I find is that neither shade settled into lip lines (the former lighter shades of Addicts were prone to doing this) and these are not scented.

These are very nice lipsticks, though in a mass of so many good quality lipsticks on the market I don't feel that they necessarily offer anything new to the table so won't rush to buy more (unless its an unmissable shade of course...).


I bought these from


  1. Hi dear Clare, True is really a pretty shade! I noticed it is very uniform on your hand. The other one, Bright, it's to light, it is not a kind of shadow I would wear :P I haven't tried yet any Dior lipstick because now I have to finish other lipstick I own =) Hope you'll have a serene Sunday, now I'll go out for a walk. Kisses

    1. Your good finishing lipsticks before buying more, I on the other hand can't stop buying them! Bright is a bit meh, but I do really like True. Enjoy your walk, its really dark here to be going out, winter time is approaching!

  2. Hi, Clare :)
    Thanks for your reviews. I'm looking at this range since I want to have a nice sensible nude lipstick with a sheer finish. I'm not really happy that now the price is higher, though.
    Hope you will find the Black Tie shade soon. I have this in the old Addict Extreme formula, and for me it is one of the best autumn lipstick shades. I wonder how Dior has reincarnated this one. :)

    1. I didn't notice the price was higher, shows how much attention I pay! ;) I think Back Tie in this formula is a bit sheerer, but its definitely a popular shade as both counters near me had sold out of it and its sold out on most online stores here as well.

  3. I'm glad to have read this review today because I just placed an order for the shade Mutine. I had a Rouge Dior Nude that was a staple for years and I'm assuming that these lipsticks will make a similar impression ;)


    1. I didn't notice a shade called Mutine so will look into it, I think there are some shades that certain countries didn't get, who knows why! I'm thinking you will like this formula, its not that long ago really that they reformulated them thinking about it, sometimes think its just a ploy to rally up some more interest.
