Friday 6 November 2009

Chanel holiday Eyeliner Duo in Celadon-Lame

There wasn’t much to tempt me in the holiday collection this year. The Aqualumiere shades seemed the same old thing and I’m sure I have similar shades. The blush looked too dark for me. The quad, whilst I really liked the aqua shade, the others were just too warm. Chanel varnish chips on me and the glossimers I find too sticky. This left the eyeliner, which I did pick up. I had been tempted to get the previously released brown and black versions of this as I have seen a lot of raves for them so I finally succumbed. This is a combo of a matte black and a very slightly sparkly deep forest green. It retails for £26. I was the first one to use the tester at the store and only did a quite swipe so I didn’t realise that the ultra sparkly side on the right was an overlay. In the picture above you can see the true colour in the middle with a bit of the overly left round the sides. First up I have to say don’t bother using this dry, you get zero impact, used wet and you get a really deep rich colour. I am really impressed with this; it applies really well lasts all day and doesn’t transfer to the top of your lid.
This is a heavily applied dry swatch
This swatch is what you get used wet (you can bearly see the sparkle in the green now I have used it more).


  1. I hate it when they put on overlay's, its so dissapointing once that top layer is gone!
    They look really nice used wet though!

  2. I'm with Jo, I find overlays pointless. I'd much rather see the colour I'm getting. They do look nice used wet though.

  3. I agree about the pointelss overlays, but I really like the look of this due - especially love the look of the grey dry swatch - its a lovely shade x

  4. Hello Jobetterdays,
    I'm sure Chanel have done this in the past with quite a few things, it is annoying, guess there is something to be said about looking at testers after they have been used a few times ! Thanks for your comment

    Hi Whit,
    I am really liking the green, its quite a high impact shade used wet. Thanks for visiting.

    Hello Grace,
    I think in future I should check online before hand to find out if its just an overlay. Glad I like the true colours or I would be really miffed ! x

    Hi Mizzworthy,
    I think its a very easy to wear duo, I bet lots of people will buy it in the store though thinking its all sparkly. Thanks

  5. Actually, I like both versions, dry and wet. Used dry they look like pretty wearable shades, but when they're wet, oh my, they rock! Can you please do an EOTD or rather an EOTN, as I think that wet they'd be lovely on a night out... (though I doubt you get out much after dark with your little RBR lipstick destroyer, hehe!) xx

  6. Hi Anna,
    I'll try and do a look with it as soon as possible, getting a good picture of it will be another matter :) Night out, I don't think I have been on a night out since he was born, how sad is that ! x

  7. I love this combination....I have a Chanel black and sparkly grey duo and wear it all the time. They're gorgeous textures and perfect for flat-lining.

  8. Hi Bristishbeautyblogger,
    I do think it will sell really well, and I agree the texture is really good. Thanks for visiting :)
